Discussion: House GOPer Opposes Suing Obama Because He'd Rather Impeach Him

Having spent billions of taxpayer dollars on a government shutdown because of poor people might (gasp!) actually get health care, I would think that impeachment for a couple of million would be a bargain.

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You can’t make these people up.

Greatest string of three comments ever.

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That was all due to those Republican governors (never mind that Dem states are enjoying stronger recovers that GOP states).

I don’t understand why Speaker John Boehner, Karl Rove and Paul Ryan did not consult Congressman Walter Jones or Foxy News Journalist and as of yesterday, the conservative Oprah, Sarah Palin, before talking to the media. They seem to be out of touch with the conservative base.

Even Matt Drudge who is also involved with conservative icon Ann Coulter. has said that John Boehner has surrendered!!

Right. Took zero seconds to locate this: Republicans calling for impeachment. I guess it all depends on the meaning of “few”.

Walter’s never quite gotten over Congressman Orange throwing his worthless Dixie ass off the Financial Services committee.

Go, Whitest Male In The Entire Country, Go.

Gather ye up enough of your fellow Impeachifiers to go with the Dem opposing votes to block authorization of Boehner’s Bent lawsuit idea. Shouldn’t take more than a dozen Republicants.

The TPM picture makes Jones look like a modern-day John C. Calhoun. Which is actually unfair to Jones AND JCC, because Jones is actually one of the few Republicant Congress critters who a Dem can have a civil conversation with and maybe co-sponsor a small piece of semi-useful legislation, whereas JCC was the Great Nullifier.

Tellya what I THINK it means: I THINK it means Jones knows impeachment’s b.s. and off the table unless there’s a further 2010-type wave, and talking about it is kryptonite to Republicants, but he sees Boehner’s bent lawsuit as worse because it makes him and other Republicants look both ridiculous and cowardly.

I’m surprised Jones has survived as long as he has in increasingly-insane North Carolina. You just don’t tent to see old-fashioned southern white supremacist accommodationists in the House any more.

Hold the phone, didn’t rover just say today that no goper is looking to impeach the POTUS?

I guess their talking points didn’t make it to all baggers in congress.