Discussion: House GOP Scrambles To Save Border Bill

Bingo! Yes it will. Wait until this Sunday’s talk shows. That is precisely how David Gregory ® will spin it.


Gawd bless you for starting the sentence with a wonderful expletive and then quoting Scripture. Amen…


“…significantly toughens up laws…”

The House of Republicans at work, courtesy of the conservative movement.

*‘Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me’ *
-Pastor Martin Niemöller

Not to mention the tax money Republicans just spent, which would be okay by me… if the incompetent Republican Congress had an actual plan. $624,000,000 to “toughen up”?

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The same Bachmann that is so afraid of how these poor kids might be treated if allowed to stay here?

She is truly an awful person.


My question is:
If the border isn’t secure, what did the southern border states spend the hundred’s of millions of dollars given to them by the taxpayers of this country?

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Don’t forget mean spirited.


Yup, keep hatin’ on them immigrants. It’ll be really inspirational see Republicans campaigning on that in 2016.

For all practical purposes he’s already done that.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Canada) is now the titular Speaker—and happy to pollute the House with his blend of outright fascism and gin-soaked McCarthyism.


Ah,but when Congress reconvenes after the August recess,the House bill can be amended in the Senate. It can even be amended into the CIR bill that passed 68-32 in the Senate and sent back to the House. Good times.

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It stretches the bounds of credulity to call La Bachmann a “person.”

“Creature” is a much better descriptor.


Is TPM seriously just now figuring this out?

Its already happening. Todd is already spreading this meme as his spin on the next several months of coverage, thus insuring many pleasant over lunch interviews with D.C. insiders.

To paraphrase, he says, “The GOP has all the issues on their side, but only if they could stop bickering among themselves”.

Really? Todd argues that only when the Democratic Party is capable of ginning up hate and discrimination against children better than the GOP does, will they stand a chance politically. For a nation founded on and by the hopes and dreams spawned by immigration, we will cease to be America before that happens.


It stretches the bounds of credulity to call La Bachmann a “person.”

I prefer: “person of shithead”

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Poor little Upchuck Toad is second only to David Fucking Gregory as a simpering toady to whatever bullshit the GOP is spreading around.

He is monumentally wrong—but a fount of Beltway “common wisdom,” which is never very wise.


Here’s the list by states of Republicans who voted for the Bush bill concerning children at the border!


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It was the right thing to do. Back then it was obvious to do the right thing because…

  1. Obama wasn’t President, so everything wasn’t judged on how this would reflect on him.

  2. Ted Cruz wasn’t there to rile up the insane representatives.

Notice how they are reimbursing Texas for the costs incurred by Governor Perry’s showboating (you know, sending National Guard troops to the border with no mission, to stand around and look for something to do)?

Cute. Very cute. Let’s pass the federal government the bill (and soak the taxpayers in other states) for these pointless and expensive political stunts.


And in Vietnam by Nixon/Kissinger/Ford.

“I think ultimately, there’s a very strong desire by the Republican conference to get our job done,” he said.

Unless he’s speaking of the Prime Directive issued by Mitch in 2008…the old “one term President” job…they haven’t gotten their job done for almost 6 years.

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