Breaking News: Ayn Rand is still winning the battle for the heart and soul of Paul Ryan!
Isn’t it amazing how Borrow and Spend Republicans always let the red ink flow when they are in charge? And when a Democrat gets in those same Borrow and Spend Republicans utter the bullshit about Democrats being the “Tax and Spend” party…
When there’s no heart and no soul, there’s no longer a need for a battle.
Because the rich always want more…and the Republicans’ only goal is to satisfy them.
We’ve known it for years. Even many GOPer recognize it was true under W. Now, perhaps, everyone will recognize it is the Debtpublican Party.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans are focused on cutting taxes instead of deficits as they look to power a $4.1 billion budget plan through the House on Thursday.
If the Republicans passed a $4.1 billion budget, I think the nation would explode.
When Ayn Rand was tired and old she seemed to be ok with her Medicare.
If you’re going to miss the numbers on a headline AND in the following article why not go for it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans are focused on cutting taxes instead of deficits as they look to power a $4.10 budget plan through the House on Thursday.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure they mean $4.1 trillion.
It is remarkable that seniors went for Trump as he and the GOP are doing all they can to destroy their ability to live. I hate dumb seniors, and if I weren’t in my mid 50s, I’d throw my hands up and laugh, but we are in such peril with these criminals in charge!
I signed up with a company that offer pre-plans on an ice floe.
Or is it Herman Munster?
Here’s the lesson for today children…
When Democrats are in charge of the budget, the government is forbidden from any spending on anything that adds to the debt or deficit, even with regards to emergencies. All budget items must be deficit neutral, and bloated gov’t agencies must be stripped of waste, fraud and abuse. So says the GOP…There must be regular order and the budget committees must work on it until the cows come home, primarily so that it never actually gets passed unless its on a short-term extension basis. Also, see: Sequester!
When Republicans are in charge, deficits don’t matter. Growing deficits and adding to the national debt is a good thing…and you’ll find out about it when it becomes law and not a moment before, because talking in depth about the details ahead of time would jinx the entire scam-a-palooza.
Any questions??
Uh, Yes Jimmy…
But why does what the GOP says when Dems are in charge of the budget no longer apply to our future economic security?
Shhhh Jimmy…uh, go ask your mom. I’m kinda busy right now trying to protect my 401K and stock up on canned goods and paper towels…now go play kid.
I suspect the GOP thinks we have the memory of goldfish and don’t know how to count. While this is true for some of us, I hope the majority of voters can see right through this scam.
All republicans or libertarians are ok with their government “handouts”. It’s other folks’ “handouts” they dislike.
Thank god he wasn’t the neckked one again!
Both the House and Senate plans rely on rosy estimates of economic growth and illusory spending cuts to promise to wrestle the federal budget back into surplus within a decade.
Heh, that’s one way to put it! /
He’s always neckked, exposing himself as the awful person he is. Its the ones that pretend he’s not that I worry about. They’re doing as much damage to the country as he is.