Discussion: House Freedom Caucus-er Mark Sanford To Offer An Obamacare Replacement

Why is this so difficult? Trump promised “insurance for everybody” that would be “better and cheaper” than what we currently have. I want mine, now.


“Dr.” Paul. When did he practice last?

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Lets see the Plans. Let a thousand flowers bloom, reveal the plans to the public. Let people talk about them. Let the Press review them. What are you all so fucking afraid of, GOP.

By the way, since WHEN did Mark Sanford become part of the So Called Freedom Caucus, the crazy obstructionist wing of the GOP? He is mostly boring and is one of the many pseudo christians who condemned Bill Clinton for his extramarital affairs and could not practice what he preaches.


The freedom caucus idea of freedom; somehow get millions of dollars and then you’ll have freedom. Everyone else can die as far as we are concerned


Mark Sandford (R-Appalachian Trail) is another genius with yet another GOP replacement plan with NO details! I imagine there will be special rates for adulterers, home-wreckers, and Argentinian immigrants (as long as they’re hot women!)?

Isn’t it a big indicator of failure that the plan offered by the Speak of the House has zero co-sponsors? That’s a pretty big detail right there! Go ahead TeaPublicans, make my day! Get rid of Obamacare “root and branch” as you’ve said a million times, and reap the whirlwind!

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Yes, his plan allows you to commit adultery ACROSS STATE LINES!


I can’t wait, how long do I have to sit here on my throne waiting for the obvious.

Apparently the salient points of Mr. Paul’s plan are as follows:

  • Selectively repeal some ACA provisions, including the individual and employer mandates, the community rating restrictions, rate review, essential health benefit requirements, medical loss ratio requirements, and other mandates, but not the remainder of the ACA;

  • Provide a two-year open enrollment period, after which it would only require pre-existing condition coverage to individuals who maintain continuous coverage;

  • Change the employer tax exclusion to an income and payroll tax deduction, presumably capped, that would apply to all coverage;

  • Eliminate most restrictions on health savings accounts and allow the use of HSA funds to purchase insurance, which would not have to be high-deductible coverage. Many of the HSA expansion provisions mirror those found in the House Republican Study Committee bill.

  • Apparently permit individuals to opt for a tax credit of up to $5,000 to fund their HSA in lieu of a tax deduction. This would probably be of more value to lower-income individuals who would find little benefit in a tax deduction;

  • Encourage association health plans in both the individual and small group market;

  • Allow physicians a tax deduction for charity care and bad debt and an antitrust waiver for collective bargaining with medical plans;

  • Permit the sale of insurance across state lines subject to certain consumer protections; and,

  • Give states greater flexibility in obtaining Medicaid waivers.

A few things to note, they’re taking away any coverage requirements and then allowing sales across state lines. This would create a race to the bottom to provide ‘inexpensive coverage’ that provides no value at all.

After the initial two year period, if you miss a payment say good bye to coverage for your pre-existing condition. After that, you’re screwed for life.

They’re allowing unlimited amounts in a health care savings account (HSA), tax dodge anyone? But giving lower income people up to E$5,000 credit to put in their HSA. Good luck if your illnesses or medicine is more than $5,000. However, it does look like the HSA can be used for insurance.


Pixie dust futures are rising…

Mark Sanford isn’t crappin’ his pants about throwing up a non-Obamacare plan because he’s in a non-competitive voting district.

And Paul Ryan.(the Ayn Rand cultist) isn’t crappin’ his pants about destroying healthcare because he keeps getting voted into an even MORE non=competitive district.

Other Republicans, however, are crappin’ their pants about their Obamacare.dilemma.

These Catch-and-Release ACA replacements are AWESOME. Burning 'em in the fireplace makes the house nice and toasty.

unfortunately Elections have consequences and most of those who will lose it voted for Trump and sent those in congress who opposed it back to congress, no one to blame but them selves. Just that every one suffers.

Not anymore.

And for women of child-bearing age aspirin is included.

When I saw the headline, I though “low hanging fruit for the comments.” Thanks for providing the picture. :slight_smile:

No extra premiums for adulterers!!

How the fuck is he still in office and a member of the sexually conserative party? Just shows to go you how fucked up they are and how little of what they say people should do or not do, applies to their own lives.

I suspect that if we retrace his steps along the Appalachian trail we can find the complete text of the replacement bill.

And across international boundaries.