Discussion: House Dems Request Docs Related To Trump's Sanctuary City Immigration Plan


An issue Dems should pursue is Trumpā€™s proclivity for saying everything he spouts that draws protest from legal and ethical circles is a ā€œjokeā€ and he really didnā€™t mean it. How the hell you hold someone accountable for their public presentation of policies and ideas when all they have to say is it was a joke is a puzzle. Iā€™d like Nadler to ferret out the admin officials that overheard Trump promise to pardon Kevin McAleenan for breaking immigration laws, seemingly such an affront to the rule of law it needs investigated. But even if they were found, and testified Trump was serious as hell, what good would it do if Trump claimed they overheard a joke? Claiming something youā€™ve said is a joke damned near renders you unaccountable for an entire slew of offenses.

Order a Marine sniper to kill Bernie Sanders? Ha, canā€™t believe the guy took me seriously, I was joking!! Har, har, har!! What, you want to question me even suggesting it in the first place?! Why, I was clearly joking?!!

I mean, WTF?

If he issued an official presidential statement (which twitter apparently is) that they have the right to do it, there must be a legal analysis backing that up, right?


Dems request documents and Trump will refuse to do send them. So then Dems will send a subpoena which will get ignored, precipitating a court fight. And by the time the case is settled, weā€™ll be well into 2020, with a thousand other issues to fight over.

This canā€™t be the best way to run government.


Thatā€™s a faulty progression of events. Dems THREATEN to issue subpoenas, but they never actually do it.

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Living in a Sanctuary City, I see nothing wrong with this proposal as long as the Mercury emissions resulting from the EPAā€™s relaxation of Mercury and Air Toxic Standards all get channelled into the air and water of districts that voted for Trump.


To varying degrees thatā€™s already been arranged.


What if they send an official request for everything he says? Please let us know if he was joking or if he was serious. If this a a serious policy proposal, please send us the documents and research so that we can develop an informed opinion. If this is a joke, please let us know.
Then, when one of the ā€œjokesā€ becomes real, they can ask for the documentation and an explanation of when and why they changed their minds.

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Stupidest man on the planet has no idea that once his plan is realized, which it wonā€™t be, those same migrants can wander away from the sanctuary cities or even cross the borders of sanctuary states and go wherever they want to if they have the means.


The stench of a fight over documents will pervade the trumpp campaign, adding to the already noxious fumes we know itā€™ll emit.


I figgered that u saw it like I did.

Now itā€™s hilarious, cause he ā€˜bā€”es n moansā€™ about ā€˜catch n releaseā€™, butā€¦

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ā€œCatch and releaseā€, something thoughtful fishermen do.


Just more Trump B.S. to deflect from the main event: release of the Mueller report.

Thereā€™s no doubt Trump will take any cheap wins that people are willing to give him and, that being said, we cannot lose sight of the main issue, which is getting this criminal out of office.

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The worst part is that relocating immigrants to cities is a perfectly sensible policy, if done correctly with a view towards creating wealth in communities while helping people.

Everything wrong about it stems from The Rump, governing by what he imagines will piss off Democrats the most. And he even gets THAT WRONG!!!

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Rump publicans canā€™t seem to make up their minds. Are they the party of disorganized labor, pissed off at immigrants taking away their jobs? Or are they the party of organized capital, bitching about fat, lazy, drug addicted Americans who donā€™t want to work as hard or cheap as people from those ā€œMexican Countries?ā€ They canā€™t be both.

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Well, they technically do after waiting 3 months. So we can expect subpoeas for this to come out in July.

Itā€™s a pretty good way to run government into the ground, which is the GOPā€™s goal. All that will remain afterward will be markets and money, which is what everyone from Wilbur Ross to the Libertarian-curious man on the street wants.

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