Trump is running for president so that he can claim every investigation or prosecution is just a political witch hunt.
Trump: “When I call, they kiss my ass. It’s true.”
Bondi picture–“And his hands are small.”
I wonder if the reporter who was concerned about the timing of the call for an investigation expressed any concern when 60 Republican members of the House of Representatives signed a letter to the FBI, IRS and Federal Trade Commission asking that they open investigations into the Clinton Foundation.
And was his last name Halperin?
Perhaps Jason Chaffetz can look into it as soon as he’s done investigating Hillary’s email…again.
A species considered to be extinct in the US.
Unfortunately, the press will only fold this story into the “both sides do it” meme.
I swear to God, if the current press iteration were alive in Nazi Germany they would be like, “Well thank you Mr. Meyer for your concern; let’s now turn to Reichsfuhrer Goebbels, Reichfuhrer, don’t you think Mr. Meyer’s accusations are somewhat exaggerated?”
How long before HO claims “I don’t know who she is. Never heard of her”?
Wow, who finally woke up the rest of the Democratic Party? About frickin’ time, guys…
rotten: as an adjective: having rotted: putrid 2: morally corrupt 3: extremely unpleasant or inferior 4: very uncomfortable 5: of very poor quality, lousy, abominable
When I call, they kiss my ass.
So there you go…considering the size, very time intensive.
About. Damn. Time.
Anybody else notice there’s no rain on the umbrella? And that Donnie looks even more flushed and breathless than usual?
Thanks, I’m off to get some brain bleach…
Trump: I never met this Bondi woman. No idea what you’re talking about. That photograph of the two of us with an umbrella was photoshopped. Everyone knows that rain doesn’t fall on me, and besides, I have my fox to keep me dry. I don’t need umbrellas.
The reporter was probably very concerned that Democrats had turned a blind eye to the shenanigans of the Foundation – building schools, funding vaccination programs, and other activities, most of which involved foreigners.