Discussion: Holocaust Museum Statement Contrasts Trump's: An Accurate History Is 'Critical'

Yes, mentioning the Holocaust on International Holocaust Remembrance Day certainly constitutes “going out of your way.”

I doubt anyone had the Holocaust on their mind that day, and the Current Occupant just thought it up and said it.

CharlieE stands in awe.


His kid is too good to go to a school that has Jewish kids and teaches Jewish things instead of schools that glorify the Crusades, the Confederacy and the White Citizens Council of the KKK.


I am old enough to remember those Nazifrogs and wingers accused Obama just yesterday for being an anti-semite when he disagreed with Bibi’s policies.

I’m waiting for their outrage now… :expressionless:


White House press secretary Sean Spicer blasted those “picking on” the statement’s failure to explicitly mention Jews as “pathetic” and “nitpicking” in a briefing Monday afternoon.

In other words, Sean Spicer called ADL Director Jonathan Greenblatt and Anne Frank Center Director Steven Goldstein pathetic because they know it is important to be clear that the holocaust was about the extermination of Jews. Sean, you are the pathetic one. I hope your tongue falls out.


Perhaps we should perform a bris on Spicer’s lips

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Nobody wants him here! Merkel has enough to worry about.

Spicer Alternative History: What is this Holocaust you speak of?

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Starting at the shoulders…


I can almost hear Bannon say, “Who cares what a bunch of hook-nosed Jews says? We got Jesus, a TRUE White Christian!”

OT – it seems Michael Flynn’s twitter account has disappeared. Not sure what to make out of it.

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And waterboarded for good measure.

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They also find fault with what they call modern ‘degenerate’ art.


Remember when Prince Harry dressed up as a Nazi officer for a costume party right before Holocaust Memorial Day in Britain? He was pounded in the press for that and rightly apologized. I miss those days.


This is a clear instance of Trump’s inability to gracefully admit a mistake and correct it and apologize.
I think that most people would be willing to gracefully accept a correction and apology from him. We would give him an out.
He would not have been flogged for it by most.

But his refusal (and his sycophants’ refusal) to do so only shows how weak and insecure they are.
And it also underscores the impression of their bigotry despite his trotting out his Jewish daughter and her family.

And one more instance of #WTFIvanka?

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I finally was able to contact my rep (Brad “Combat Podiatrist” Wenstrup) to let him know i was sorry he had to omit references to Jews in his Holocaust statement … then i sent him the Holocaust Memorial’s response.

I sent it to him under his “pro life” filter.

Should i have sent it under his “Second Amendment” filter instead?

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Accuracy in history matters, but where is the Anti-Defamation League when Bill Maher or Sam Harris are calling Muslims vampires? I guess that doesn’t count.

Defamation and racism are always wrong, no matter who the target is.

When the A.D.L. operates with such a rank double standard of sensitivity to jewish issues versus those of other groups, they look more like a front for Israeli propoganda than a real watchdog agency.

Also if anyone thinks this statement irks Netenyahu, I disagree. I honestly don’t think Bibi cares what trump has to say to his base as long as he can hold the white house and give Israel cart blanche. I’m sure he prefers this new arrangement over the Obama white house and politically correct Holocaust statements.