Discussion: Holder: No Decision Yet On Federal Charges Against Petraeus

Discussion for article #231894

Dinofi’s should learn when to be quiet.

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Sorry Rupert: http://wapo.st/1wLGkh8

to the highest extent of the law. no less.

I’m in agreement with Senator Feinstein who happens to be one of my senators along with Boxer. This Petraeus affair (no pun intended) is small potatoes. Holder has too much other important work to do, e.g. domestic rightwing terrorism, and he won’t be in office too much longer. Is the United States less safe because the general whispered something to his girlfriend? No, not at all. But I’ll give you props for Dinofi.

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Get the sh*thead on the stand, under oath.

How much do you want to punish somebody?"

Harshly enough so the next CIA Director doesn’t consider doing same.



What the General/Director did was not really the issue, but our Senator likes to play both sides of many issues and it is not her place to exonerate anyone. That she is a DINO is something with which many can agree.

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I’d like it so much better if Boxer was staying and Feinstein was retiring.

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