Discussion: Hogan Says He Won't Challenge Trump Unless He Loses Significant Party Support

so many stories of republikkkan profiles in courage. they have a wealth of candidates willing to challenge the abomination if he somehow becomes mortally wounded. it’s inspirational.


Well Trump does have a lock on the base. Its hardly worth the effort, cost, and aggravation to primary him just to get Bill Kristol’s vote.


From the article:

“I’ve never seen anything like it, and I’ve been around a long time,” Hogan said, seizing in particularly on calls to cancel the South Carolina primary. “It’s undemocratic.”

He continued: “Why go to these great lengths unless they’re really worried that something might happen?”

It is called being an autocrat Governor Hogan. It is the Republican party that you guys built.


I guess it would be too much to expect a politician to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. especially a republikkkan. better for a ‘leader’ to tell the troops “clear the battlefield so I can lead you”.

Not that I disagree with your post.

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and yet they think that 30% base support = Win

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It worked for them last time.


The Collins level of concern seems to be contagious. He won’t do jack.


“My goal is not to just make the incumbent president lose in the general election. I’m not going to do that,” Hogan said. “If they’re looking for someone just to be a spoiler or to throw myself on a grenade to help someone else, that’s not me."

I don’t know…that in itself would be an admirable goal.

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So basically, Hogan is saying that the incumbent is unworthy of the repub nomination, but A-OK to be president of the entire country which includes the repub party that shouldn’t appoint tRump their nominee. Hogan needs a math review to understand how subsets work

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I just lost a friend to a heart attack that was about this guys age, much leaner, almost skinny, and a regular runner. Interesting how the body works and you can just never tell what’s going on internally based on outward appearances.

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Sadly true
I don’t kid myself , it could happen again.They are starting with the disinformation campaigns already . Want to get rich? Invest in Russian Bot futures.They are going to be very very busy

So Trump doesn’t want to use a foil to present himself to Republicans as their their great Orange hope? Never thought that Trump pass up an opportunity to insult and demean anyone, he must be slipping.

If they did the right thing in the first place they wouldn’t be Republicans :smile:

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This is basically a message to McConnell to keep enabling Trump

Run as an independent.

So Hogan’s not a hero?

Someone had to ask.

The too much voting democracy tell for Republicans was clearly stated
by Mitch McConnell on the floor of the Senate. To paraphrase " A voting
holiday would be unfair to Republicans, too many people would vote". How
about this Mitch, move the existing holiday Presidents Day to a warm
weather midweek and make it Americas most important day not just another
holiday, National President’s Voting Day?

He never does. Most of his “legislative accomplishments” are letting bills become law without signing them or getting his vetoes overturned.

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Ha. Typical GOP putz.

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