[quote=“old_curmudgeon, post:15, topic:75864”]
Because we know that to tRump, humor = treason
[/quote]And that’s because Trump does not recognize humor. What others clearly see as humor, Trump considers criticism. And, yes, criticism of him, or even commenting accurately and factually, does equal treason (see: media, fake - enemy of the people).
Honestly, removing this kid from the project is actually pretty stupid.
I mean, It’s a parachuting package that’s hissing. They clearly knew based on trajectory etc that it was going to land within a reasonable proximity to Trump’s location, well ahead of time.
Can you imagine if this had come down on the golf course, without this note? 29 miles is not a lot of margin for an unguided package to parachute. Change the wind just a little bit, and it’s there.
NASA tells WNBC-TV the
package, which fell on Tuesday, is part of six balloons that were
launched to measure ozone. It says a summer student employee wrote the note in a “misguided attempt to be lighthearted,” and that the student has been removed from the project.
Once again we have proof that the denizens of the Federal Government have no sense of humor.