Space Force, try 1 .
That kid will be a captain in Space Force One someday!
They removed the student from the project? For a silly, if not particularly guffaw-worthy note?!?
My thoughts exactly. The note was lighthearted and wasn’t threatening in any way.
God works and sends signals in mysterious ways…
He deserves a runner-up medal in the Trump Trolling Sweepstakes.
If only the student could have jettisoned this from one of those Infant Orange blimps!
Whatever is the world coming to when your friendly neighbourhood Orange Despot has no sense of humor?
Answer: The current state of the world.
Either that or lose all their funding…
It’s nearly the middle of August and he’ll be going back to school soon, anyways.
An ultimately harmless but lasting lesson in professionalism that he or she won’t soon forget, and a way for management to show the “problem” has been “handled”.
I don’t think anyone will lose sleep over it.
Young kid injects a very small amount of relevant humor into their job, and is summarily dismissed because it’s inappropriate.
Rich white guy lies on his application and cheats to get the job, then immediately abuses the power of his office for personal gain and to entrench his position, and keeps his job.
Got it. Rules only matter sometimes.
" the student has been removed from the project."
Because we know that to tRump, humor = treason.
Unless someone leaks the kid’s name. You know how that would end.
A fantasy: “Trump” is a dirty word in atmospheric research circles, and we can’t tolerate using that kind of language where members of the public might encounter it.
The student’s gesture reminds me of myself when I was a lad.
I especially like the hissing…
And now for some breaking not news!
Pence Calls Space Force Necessary to Protect U.S. from Gay Aliens
“I stand before you today to say that this country is under attack from outer-space gays,” Pence told the military gathering. “Only Space Force can protect us from their unimaginable evil.”
Pence detailed a nightmare scenario in which “gay aliens by the thousands” land in the U.S. in “seemingly cute spacecraft” and “subvert life in America as we know it.”
It must be the part about the golf. Since that is all donnie does (when he’s not tweeting), it came across as sarcastic. If the student had thanked donnie for all of his hard work, then trump and Co. would have played it up bigtime. Truth hurts, when you’re a lazy-ass POS potus.