Discussion: Hispanic Coalition To NBC: Don't Let ‘Bigoted’ Trump Host SNL

Discussion for article #241853

I promise not to watch…

I’ll be asleep by the time the cast is announced these days…
introducing so many cast members is soporific.

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I saw this and imagined what Reince Priebus must be feeling this morning. It’s 11 a.m., he’s still in his bathrobe, drinking Scotch, and telling his wife they should just go live as expats in Belize.


Let him do a skit like Hillary and Sarah Palin did. Don’t let him host the show.
We don’t need full frontal Donald.

That’s right Hispanic Coalition, give the Donald, hell!

Tell him he’s FIRED, before he gets the job!


NBC and Trump, a love match made in Koch-laced corporate heaven…Why, MSNBC will interrupt programming to catch a Donald fart ‘live’…
Tracy Morgan, here’s your chance to make some news, bro…unless that NBC sugar’s too, too sweet.


He’ll pull out once he sees how “unfair” the script is.


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He’'ll declare SNL booooring and start his own skit comedy show with the biggest, classiest most luxurious scripts ever. Hispanics and the blacks will love it.


Not advocating that he walk, rather that he speak. The right adlib could give Tracy a full Ginsburg Sunday…and Monday.

I didn’t even think of people boycotting, but I guess it makes sense.

Once I heard Trump was going to host, I immediately decided I wasn’t going to watch. I didn’t think of it as a ‘boycott’, but I suppose it is. I just have no interest in seeing that disgusting, stupid person for 1.5 hours. I DVR the show every week and watch sometime on Sunday, but I’m going to make sure not to DVR that one.

Full disclosure: I don’t want to watch the Bieber episode either, and the only reason I watched the Miley Cyrus one (which I ended up fastforwarding through some of her skits) is because it was the season premiere. What the hell is up with the casting decisions on that show this season?

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The Saturday Intertubes Award, the one bedecked with feathers and tinted glasses, goes to you. Very funny.

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jeez, it’s almost like they’re working on behalf of nbc to jack up interest … and ratings.

considering that trump is essentially a co-host of morningbro and has daily segments devoted to him on the half hour, a one hour slot on snl is low on the list. they need to put all their efforts of outrage into getting people to vote.

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"Felix Sanchez, a co-founder National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts and signee of the letter, wrote in a CNN op-ed that the gig offered Trump “a comedy satire platform that would de facto laugh away his bigoted comments.”

“a comedy satire platform that would de facto laugh away his bigoted comments.”

Mr Sanchez,you have hit so many nails on the head with that statement. TOUCHE !,Sir.


tRump shouldn’t even be allowed on. This is the kind of bullshit the dumping of the equal-time rule hath wrought.

And the ratings will be yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge.


Completely agree. Every public facing entity has a responsibility to not promote racism and because someone else did is not an excuse. SNL and NBC should be ashamed at being responsible for allows a hateful person like him to have yet another national stage.

Interviews on late night shows is one thing, but hosting a show as a guest is another. The staff and the viewers should boycott that episode and the viewers would be wise to turn elsewhere.


I see Reince as more the vodka-mimosa breakfast type, personally.


A wise idea would be to have a Latin host say Selma Hayck to joke with him and call him out for his stupidity. Kind of like Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondence dinner. Ridicule can be powerful yet effective.

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I give Tracy Morgan a pass. He’s never been political, and I don’t think it’s fair to expect him to do so now when he’s still recovering from a brain injury and nearly losing his life.

I think he’s just grateful to be alive and to have the wherewithal to do what he loves again.