Yup, they’ve been so successful for so long at reshaping political reality to their benefit (thanks, political “journalists”) that they’re having trouble adjusting. And Rand is especially thin-skinned about being challenged – yup, could get interesting.
Paul has shown time and again that when challenged, he back off in a hurry, denying what he is being challenged on. He did it with Maddow back in 2010 when he first ran for office, and he did it repeatedly when Christie was pulling his strings.
Basically, every politician knows this about Paul now. And given that he will be shaking his etch a sketch frantically trying to erase comments he has made about things like…Israel…he is going to be challenged often.
His dad’s a close competitor.
Ronnie’s “AUDIT THE FED!” campaign slogan was a watered down version of his book “END THE FED!” where he promotes the full delusion of the gold standard, national bank charters and every mistake we reformed in the early 20th century.
You’ll have to work on your legal argument. The Constitution doesn’t define “unreasonable”. Legalese, in this circumstance is part of the Patriot Act which is a congressional act, which means it’s passed by Congress, which means it’s not an executive action.
Never mind that it was George Bush who signed TPA into law before the current president was a national lawmaker.
He lost the argument with Maddow about “choices of freedom” for businesses, rather spectacularly. And while he will never admit that (even though everyone saw it), he will never, ever go down that rat hole again, either. At least publicly.