Discussion: Hillary Clinton To Deliver Remarks At 9:30 A.M

Only Bernie could have saved us from Trump! Only Bernie! BEEEERRRNNIIEEEEEE!!!

Is that about right?



She wasn’t just defeated last night. She was also defeated in the primary in 2008 against a no-name candidate from Chicago, who had served a minimal term in the Senate. And now she’s been defeated by a completely unqualified candidate with no political experience. The signs are there: she is not the one.

She may be as experienced as all get out, but we all acknowledge she had a real problem with honesty and transparency - it has been stated here on TPM numerous times. She made a lot of assumptions, or at least her campaign did, that were wrong and didn’t pan out. We saw Kellyanne on TV darned near every day; I can barely tell you who HRC’s campaign manager is. She never got her message across. She did not campaign in all 50 states (mine being one of them) after the primary.

I will agree that the media had a great deal to do with last night’s result. I will agree that the Dems have not had messaging down for at least four election cycles. But we have to concede that HRC, while excellently qualified, did not have what it took to get elected. She isn’t Bill. She has been aggressively trying to get to the WH for decades, good on her.

The next thing that has to be torn apart and re-thought is the polling in advance of the election. Next to no one got this right. Had they been more right, things might’ve changed in the campaign, but the only poll that counts is the one where the ballots are actually cast, as yesterday showed. I personally will never, ever take any poll seriously again. These guys weren’t just a little wrong. If I performed this poorly in my job, I would be fired.

End of rant. Flame away.


Like Mitt Romney, her elective political career is now over.
She will become another “elder stateswoman” but that is it.
Too bad.
She lost Flor-I-DUH! by 1%, Ohio by 1%, Pennsylvania by 1%.
If that 1% had not voted for Jill Stein or that goober Gary Johnson, she would be the President Elect.
The voter-trapping and repression in those states worked exactly as planned.


Yeah she was - she ran a damn near flawless campaign. But she’s a she and apparently what it takes to get every last white American male to the polls is to run a woman for the presidency.


4.7% unemployment. Fiscal stability. Solid GDP growth for years. Obama led us out of the economic woods and back to the educational and technology frontier where we make our country competitive. But that was hard work, required elitist education and meant widespread sharing of the wealth.

To remind ourselves what is about to happen I suggest a stop at Manzanar, or any of the other war relocation “camps” where tens of thousands of Americans were held for internment during WWII. We already lock up 2% of the population in prisons, but the prison-industrial complex is hardly ready to deal with thought crime or ethnic predisposition to un-American behavior. We need to be able to call the cops on our undesirable brownish or funnily surnamed neighbors and have them taken away to a secure location, away from potential acts of jihad or suspicious book-reading activity – for their own protection, of course!


This is exactly what happened. They will need their legal weed to anesthetize themselves from the hideousness of the new reality they’ve helped unleash upon all of us. And special thanks to our moderator MARTIN HELDT who himself promoted such selfish stupidity and is now taking his victory lap all over TPM – “liking” the most toxic comments troll Darcy posts.


There is plenty of blame to go around. But I think you accurately gave Hillary hers.


Well it didn’t hurt that the media gave trump a free pass at every turn only thing they cared about was her emails


Honestly, I think the Obamas do too. I had great, great hope for where they and Clinton would take us over the next four years. I believed President Obama and FLOTUS would be this great voice for charge and political action. I believed Clinton would necessarily have to govern from as far left as possible in order to hold the Obama coalition. All that is gone now. I believe they better get the hell out of this country as quickly as possible after Trump is sworn in. The same goes for the Khans.


And everyone still ignoring the role of the religious right in this. They have their theocracy now. They will quietly implement it. Trump will be kept around as long as he’s useful, but Pence is the President.


Boy, do I wish! My daughters are!

And motivated by hate, no different than the general hate that’s come down on us.

So where is Hill? Waiting here…

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Entertainment. Bread and circuses.

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I read somewhere that HRC only won 54% of the vote for those aged between 18 and 29. That is pretty shocking. Not sure it would have made much difference in WI, MI, OH and PA however.

In other news, could somebody at TPM please remove that goddamn Electoral Scoreboard?


People took a lot of freedoms and privileges they had for granted I wonder what their reaction will be when they are taken away


Yeah it must be Bernie’s fault cuz it can’t be that Hillary Clinton was too moderate, too tied to Wall St, too much of a corporate stooge and simply a boring candidate. At a time when pretty much every non 1% American has figured out that they’ve been had and they system is rigged, the Democratic machine rolled out Hillary, a candidate of the system, by the system and for the system.

Do the Dems have the stones to do to this President what the GOP did to Obama? Of course not. Too effete. Too concerned with etiquette…


I have two words for you Darcy. Guess which two they are.


And what they don’t understand is that legal weed is dead. That shit is over. The only reason it’s been allowed to happen thus far is because the federal government under Obama has allowed it to. He has kept the DOJ away from that, but guess what AG Guliani is going to do? He’s going to crack the whip at the federal level and probably rain hell on the states who’ve legalized it.


Already looking for the scapegoat. Predictable. Don’t blame us for your short-sightedness. Anecdotally every Sanders supporter I know personally voted for Hillary because we knew what was at stake.
I dismiss the Nader-esque comparisons. The real parallel here is 2004 not 2000. That’s when it became loud and clear that many Americans favor a yokel bully rather than an “elitist” as they put it. The only way forward was a populist candidate that people felt spoke to their needs. This is an appeal that Hillary never had.