Discussion: Hillary Clinton Takes A Swipe At Karl Rove For 'Brain' Comment

Right wing cray cray is what gets their jerks elected over and over again.

Whose side are you on?

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Drop the mic Madame President!!!

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But she was under sniper fire when she visited Bosnia. That counts as combat duty, doesn’t it?

Update: The 8 likes is a nice touch and with the right kind of lighting, Hillary could look 21 again.

But, Democrats made age an issue for Reagan, Dole, McCain. Have you guys evolved again or is it just hypocrisy?

Please, don’t attack the Dems, they are not POWs.


McCain’s age certainly became a big issue once he made his selection for vice president known…


Well known fact: Women on average live longer than men. That right there should count for something straight out of the gates. Just sayin’…


Oh Lookie!!!

It’s James1754 in new clothes!!!

So tell us, will your life be even more miserable that it is now when she gets elected? Can you hold your breath and pout for eight more years?


+1 for ‘akimbo’.


The optics of that La-z-Boy recliner she’s in are not good.

There was once a women’s Ultimate Frisbee team in Austin TX-- appropriately named: Limbs Akimbo.

Always thought it was a great name for that sport.


Bigot. (Heh.)


Why is this news and who actually gives a flying puck?

I disagree that Reagan was declining when he got elected. In 1980 he was sharp and quick and able to spar with anyone.

Getting shot in '81 was the real turning point. He never really bounced back from that and that’s when other people had to start managing him.

I agree that Hillary is too old to be president, and yes I did feel the same way about McCain in '08. It isn’t that I think that she wouldn’t be up to it mentally or physically. I’m sure she would be. But I am tired of the old guard. W may have been young but he governed like Reagan. Obama has been a refreshing change. Born late enough that he wasn’t even eligible for the draft in Vietnam. He was more in touch with what America is today, rather than 20 years ago. So the age thing is more than just capability, it is also mindset. I like to see the younger generation take the reigns.

And St. Ronnie is a perfect example of someone who was too old to be president. Holding him up as an example does not help your case.


Welcome to the Saturday morning free-for-all thread.
Topic? Really doesn’t matter.


But Clinton said she didn’t suffer any “lingering effects.” If she does decide to run for president in 2016, said she that she would release her medical records.

“I would do what other candidates have done, absolutely,” she told Sawyer.

We all know that it doesn’t matter one bit what she releases. The “facts” have already been created within the right-wing disinformation bubble, and those will stand among the tin-foil hat crowd. Anything she releases will be subject to the standard media, “he said-she said” frame, and it will be left up to people to decide, based on little more than their gut reaction to a few video clips and their inherent and unrecognized biases, what they think “the truth” is.

What a f@#$ed up way to run a country. We are doomed. I continue to be embarrassed at American ignorance, and how many people actually celebrate it as some kind of perverted badge of honor.


Yes, but it was saint Ronnie.

Reagan had Alzheimer’s, Dole suffered from disabilities due to war injuries, McCain had heart trouble and several bouts of cancer. It was the age-related health issues that bothered voters.

But you knew that. Your trolling is pretty transparent.


Your concern trolling is duly noted.