Discussion: Hillary Clinton: Kushner Use Of Private Email Accounts Is ‘Height Of Hypocrisy’

“I take full reasonability for it,” she said.



Clinton’s error is in thinking the rules and customs governing Democrats apply equally to Republicans. They do not. Whatever Republicans do is in service of God and country, so they get some latitude. Democrats are in league with Satan and teh gays (ick!), so they must hew to a more restrictive line


I read that Gowdy is calling for an investigation.
Just read an update: Gowdy refused to sign the D letter asking the WH for information.


jkushner@GRU.org probably set off some alarm bells.


Not just hypocracy, weakness. He can’t even keep his own staff and family in line.

Hillary Clinton must have forgotten the first rule of politics: IOKIYAR.


Trump: No Hypocrisy. Rules/Laws only apply to the Democrats. She needs to watch FOX and Friends.

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Yes or Hillery and don’t you know it. Donald Trump and his staff, his appointees his kids and Donald Trump himself are the biggest perpetrators of unlawful activity that we’ve ever seen. Liars cheats these traders to the country because they continually try to govern along party lines and to hell with the country. Why hatch just told a bunch of handicap demonstrators to shut up at the airings seriously literally told him to shut up and then left the room. He’s a jerk to

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Chaffetz was the lead inquisitor over the email issue. Gowdy was responsible for BENGHAZI!!!1!!1!one!!!

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“Our country had to go through it, which I regret.”

No, we didn’t. Because absolutely nothing was resolved or changed because of it, except to ensure that a woman not be President. Case in point…exactly what this article is about. Kushner, Ivanka, Trump’s entire fake voter commission and who knows how many others…are all using private emails with complete disdain for their own hypocrisy. And as Hillary pointed out, not one single GOPer in Congress cares.

If the country had to go through something, it learns something from the experience. We didn’t learn one single thing. Nor has one single thing changed because of it. Hell, even the NYT reporters were busily defending their absurd saturation coverage of Hillary’s emails yesterday, completely oblivious in their defensiveness to their own hypocrisy.


Not to state the obvious, but we all know or should that if this were a Democratic Administration impeachment proceedings would have started months ago.


Let’s not forget why they’re using private email and encrypted messaging apps: some are up to no good, some leak because they need love from reporters, and all are terrified of being ratted out by fellow members of the administration.

And once these messages go public it’s not going to be scheduling yoga classes and risotto recipes.


I just don’t understand why I am not shocked by this information…

ETA: Apparently Gowdy DID sign the letter… We got a bit of “fake news” there, folks!


Perhaps its because you’re fully aware what an anti-American, traitorous scumball Gowdy is?


Had Hillary won she would be in office while both houses of Congress remained in GOP control. The GOP would tell her daily, in one form or another, that they were “letting” her stay in office despite various alleged crimes. Trump is an unmitigated disaster. Hillary would have been just some alternate form of insanity, albeit caused by Republicans. The nation was visiting Crazytown either way.


I would not characterize Hillary’s response to this news as “smug.”


I’m much less concerned about hypocrisy than I am about security risks to our country.

Really. WTF?! The woman can’t catch a break.


Not necessarily.

What is often lost in the 2016 discussion is how the Democrats also blew a great opportunity for taking back the Senate. Had Hillary and the DNC actually had a strategy for running competent campaigns, then perhaps she would have had some coattails, and we could have taken back the Senate.

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