Ivankatoinette has been ordered to appear for a deposition in a lawsuit charging her company copied an Italian shoemakers design.
Queen Shiksa claimed that because she was now the former president of her company and now a senior aide to the PPOTUS she shouldn’t be deposed.
The judge didn’t buy her argument (or, presumably, her shoes) and said the grossly overpriced trademark-infringing footwear couldn’t have been sold without her express approval. In other words: “No skates for you!”
Here’s hoping that this is just one of many, many, many court appearances her and her family will have the joy of participating in in the very near future.
If you would like to have your faith in humanity destroyed even more than usual, have a look at the responses to her tweet. It’s difficult to distinguish material from right wing trolls from the garbage I had to hear from my hippie friends about Hillary during the election cycle.
You don’t even have to go that far to see the criticism of her. It’s right under our noses just a little upthread. More and more though there’s a lumping together of Clinton, Pelosi and Schumer that have to go, with an occasional Feinstein, and it’s a panicked response to Ossoff losing by a very few points…
Tis everywhere all the time. How many weeks now have we had to hear how it was all her fault Trump is president, how she fucked it all up, how she didn’t make the right populist argument, how we’re all old and in the way.
You post one little link to a story about Bernie and Jane lawyering up, however, and three people instantly jump your ass. (Or wait, that isn’t your ass it’s mine. hahahahahaha)
Driving around today I saw several trumPee protest sticker on cars: Make America Think Again; trump is a prick; fuck trump. And if the message isn’t clear, he’s the enemy to my fellow loonies.
I don’t do bumperstickers, but that one sounds very tempting. Maybe a yard sign would be better. Really want to stick it to a few people I know who voted for Trump.
I’m going to try to make the 4th of July parade up in Arroyo Secco this year - during the W years those parades were epic protest parades and I know with Trump it will out-epic epic.
I’ll just have to see if we can find a place to leave the car closer than 5 miles from Secco. hahahaha
Dems have won the early branding war. Terms like ‘death bill’ or ‘tax cut bill’ are defining the debate. This is clearly not a health care reform bill.
Mitch’s secrecy gambit has also backfired for now b/c it hardened opposition in NV, brought Heller a challenger and Heller is now boxed in to a no vote position. He can flip flop with enough Adelson money, but if he does, he comes into '18 as an unprincipled hack rather than a principled conservative.
My AHCA passage meter has dropped from 75% down to 58%. I think Mitch is at 50 votes. It’s a soft 50, where he has the potential to move up to 55 or drop below 45 depending on how the political winds blow.
GOPers will be looking at how these ad campaigns against Heller play out. My sense is that GOP voters would prefer that their members pick a different hill to die on. There is no great affection for the AHCA as there would be for something like ‘tax reform’ or immigration. That said, the Kochs and Adelsons of the world usually get their way in the GOP.
This, to me, resembles a very bad relationship or business deal that people are doing out of obligation rather than a sense of purpose. There is also a real ideological divide between the ‘Root and Branch’ GOPers (Cruz, Lee, Paul etc.) and the Medicaid Robbers (Collins et al). I would still favor Mitch to push this bill through, but smart GOPers should be able to see that the future is better for them if they don’t touch health care.
Slightly off topic but WHY does TPM have to put Trump’s ugly mug up there blaming Obama for “no action” on Russia when HE, TRUMP REFUSES TO DEPLOY THE CYBERBOMBS OBAMA PREPARED??? Don’t give him so much play, please. Trump is unworthy of this especially when he says something to cover up his own inaction.