Discussion for article #245800
When Hillary Clinton is named the Democratic nominee–and I do believe that will happen this go-round–it is my sincere wish that Senator Sanders will continue to be his usual graceful self in his concession speech and forcefully urge his followers and supporters to get out and vote for Hillary Clinton. I hope he makes it clear just what is at stake, that the Supreme Court should be on everyone’s minds – because the next President will have the honor of nominating two, maybe three or four Justices.
That said, I am really happy that Senator Sanders has been attracting so much support – his strong showing helps to keep on the front burner of discussions things like the economic disparities we face everyday and how it ruins so many lives. Another topic I’m glad to see being discussed in a serious, sincere manner is healthcare. Our society would be more stable, have better workers, be much more productive because people wouldn’t be tied to jobs or careers they don’t like – it would free up so much energy and money; folks could make wiser decisions about where to work and what kind of work they like.
Keep it up, Senator Sanders! Here’s to Hillary Clinton, as well!