Discussion: Hillary Clinton, Colin Powell And America's Double Standard

That’s a definite.

What’s your take on the possibility that she might have signed an OF-109 Separation Form, which clearly states that you have turned over ALL unclassified documents and papers. And I notice that it’s listed as an Optional Form, but I am not sure why. But if she signed it, that will obviously become an issue.

Republicans gonna hate. Obama and Powell are both black, Powell was at the start of the two wars; Obama was at the end. But who gets all the grief?
It’s all about destroying Democrats that are perceived as / are actually threats to the Republican oligarchy.


This has nothing to do with what Hillary did or did not do or the propriety or lack thereof,and it has to do with her gender only to the extent that it’s a handy and potent whip for the right wing opinion makers to use to whip up the fear and outrage even higher, much like race has been under Obama and Bill’s marital infidelity was before that.

This is strictly, entirely and completely about making people feel a sick sense of dread about the resumption of the Clinton Wars if Hillary becomes president. This is the right wing getting it fixed firmly in the public mind that it will throw a four to eight year public tantrum, reaching for ever greater heights of ugliness and extremity if we don’t give them back the government which is rightfully theres. It’s the right telling the left that they’re going to spend the entire time defending her and an attempt to trigger the back-shooting reflex that seems so much more deeply ingrained in the left’s psyche than the right’s.

And here’s the part a lot of people on the left don’t seem to get: we cannot forestall the four year tantrum by just not nominating Hillary. If we get O’Malley or Warren or hell, even someone as far right as Manchin elected to the presidency, we still get the tantrum, we still get the witch hunts and the ginned up hysteria in the town halls and the conspiracy theories. Because in their world, any election they don’t win is fraudulent, stolen, tainted by corruption, because elections are just civic rituals by which the divine right of Republicans to rule is cloaked with legitimacy.

The only way we don’t get the tantrum is by giving them the entire government, up to and including 60 Senate seats. Because it’s their government and we’ve stolen it from them. There are going to be a fair number of the numbskull independents who pay no attention to the news but still feel compelled to vote who are going to be inclined to give it to them, just to buy themselves some peace (blissfully unaware, that they’ll instead get war).

Which is why those of us who know better, need to always bear in mind who the real enemy is and, above all, set aside our war-weariness, put on our big boy/girl undies and get back on the goddamn wall and shoot at the barbarians at the gate.

Anyone who senses that I am, perhaps, lecturing to myself to some large degree is correct. I do feel the dread. I do feel the queasy nausea induced by the thought of facing this again and again. But I’m not kidding myself that it is avoidable with a “better” candidate.


The word standard actually no longer has any true meaning in relation to politics.
The standard is lack of a standard maybe.

The Republicans, including our supposed Supreme Court do not consider the past or their own actions when they apply their current outrage. Double Standard, is the new standard.

Hillary’s election will expose this and the depth just as Barack Obama’s did concerning race. The wackos say, it isn’t about race with Obama, its the awful economic policies and world weakness. Yeah right, that doesn’t even begin to fly if they stopped for one second and thought about their own record.
The same will happen with Hillary, it isn’t because she’s a woman, its because she’s emotional and sensitive. Of course the Repubs will offend every woman leader in the world with their attacks but after the traitorous letter by Tom Cotton and Co, its obvious that they don’t care about anything but local teabagging.


Wow. You’re obviously more familiar with the federal process than I am. My open-government experience is mostly at the state level. Sounds to me as if somebody should file a FOIA for that form. Maybe I’ll do that when I get a minute, unless you’re going to.

There have already been numerous requests I am sure, including the Benghazi assholes. Media has also inquired as well. Some have said that would be breaking a Law if she signed it, but I’m not buying that, especially since it is shown under “Optional Forms”. But again, real stupid if she signed it.

Another point of comparison: Mitt Romney also evaded public records laws to avoid disclosing his emails as Governor of Massachusetts. This was when he was running for president. It was news, but never elevated to the level of national scandal.


Okay fine then . If this can be explained away as merely an ages old male/female double standard then let’s have a look at Condi “mushroom clouds” Rice email chain shall we? She is lurking in the background waiting for the proper amount of time to pass for Americans notoriously bad memories to clean up her odious time in the Bush administration. When 17 out of 21 of Jeb Bush’s top advisors are neo con holdovers from Bush Jr.'s administration it would not surprise me one bit if Jeb anoints her his VP running mate sooner or later. Why has the media skipped any mention of her term as Sec of State while putting the focus on her predecessor and successor?

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What is good for the goose is good for the gander…DOESN’T apply here…it’s more like, what is good for gander is NOT good for the goose…the Old double standard BS. It’s a MAN’S world.

The Republican’s ‘WOW’ (war on women) FACTOR.


War on women by the GOP.

I have seen it noted in several places that Rice did not use email at all.

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Thank you for that reply. Now how do we prove it wrong and get access to them? Or were they part of the trove that disappeared in Cheneys email purge thus giving her cover now? Everything said by the woman or about the woman needs to be looked at with a very jaundiced and suspicious eye.

Believe me, I don’t trust that woman any farther than I could throw her, but I think it may be true that she didn’t use email. She is such a sneaky person, but smart enough to know that email could come back to bite her. I have not heard one word about archiving written correspondence, or documenting phone calls. Why are emails the only thing that matters?

If you ask me, a clip of her frowning while she gave her “mushroom cloud” warning is quite enough to prove that Condi should be in The Hague with Cheney, Bush, Wolfowits, Rumsfeld, et al. Of course, getting the country to go to war over false pretenses pales in comparison to BEGHAZI!!!

I’m learning! I only read as far as “Ben Railton”.

Why Mrs. Clinton and not every politician have the same level of scrutiny? What has she actually done that fuels just hatred? She has had allegations (by the Republications) but these allegations were unfounded and could not be supported by the facts. Please specify why you think she deserves such mistrust, and Jeb Bush, Mark Rubio, Rand Paul etc. can be trusted. Do not use any unsupported/unfounded allegations of illegal acts or immoral acts.

Democrats are also part of the Oligarchy! The Clintons are surely first rank members of the ruling class – and they sure aren’t trying to hide their nepotism and cronyism anymore than the Bush family. Hillary Clinton is assumed to be our nominee and not a single vote has been cast. Does that sound like the democrats are actually DEMOCRATIC?

I will tell you AGAIN why she doesn’t deserve my trust – and its not because she is more dishonest than any other politician. The problem is that she has shown terrible judgement that leads her to make decisions based on how it will affect her political viability, rather than thinking it all the way through. Her vote for the Iraq war was all about APPEARING tough – and ended up not being tough enough to stand up to obvious BULLSHIT. This lousy decision ended up costing her the nomination last time. Further, her active and unfortunately successful lobbying of Obama to intervene in Libya also disqualifies her for me. I fear she is a hawk and as likely get us into another war as a republican.

This email thing is just symptomatic of her decision making process. She did it to protect herself. Her instinct was for secrecy and absolute control rather than transparency and that is decidedly undemocratic. Unlike you, I do not believe she will serve the interests of women any better than a man simply by the fact of her gender. If she has a scandal ridden candidacy and administration, it will surely not help women in the long run. I would be thrilled to vote for a woman – but what I am looking for is integrity and wisdom and I just don’t see those qualities in Hillary Clinton.

Even if we can expect republican tantrums – at the very least, we should have confidence that we have nominated and elected a person of integrity and good judgement – a person who will not stumble constantly into avoidable scandals and who is not beholding to Wall Street and the Military Industrial Complex. I am simply not convinced that Hillary Clinton is THE ONE for the job – even though I see most people here passively accepting her inevitability. I will not “put on my big person underpants” – BTW – that formulation is utterly condescending to legitimate dissent. IF and when it is all really and finally a done deal, only then will I cast a vote for her. In the interim, I want a real democratic debate and a primary with a meaningful vote – we have a damned right to that.

Condi Rice is part of the republican elite and if she were to run, I seriously doubt they would make an issue over her race or gender. Its more about political tribes and who will protect the interests of the powerful. She is one of them and inoculated from the overt racism and sexism that they so casually display towards women and minority democrats.

Do you hate every politician that voted for Iraq or supported Libya with such hatred? SO what has the issues of her decisions on Iraq and Libya was not standing up for “Bullshit” (bullshit equals the lies that were provided by the President to Congress and passed the Congress, meaning the majority of Congress had the same judgement on the obvious BULLSHIT.) Also, are you against any war? That’s naive.
I don’t understand why you can know the motives of her decisions. Of course she did it to protect herself, what’s wrong with that. Undemocratic, really? She had a procedure to separate her personal and her professional e-mails from each other. She hired a lawyer to look over them and decide which on was related to official business, or not. This is was key word search, then the e-mails that were deemed personal were read to make sure the keyword search was correct (not sure if t professional were read). This is my understanding of the process based on news reports and her statement. What in this procedure is secret or absolute control, off course she wants her personal e-mails secret and in absolute control of them, however, she has shipped to the state department, printouts of her professional e-mails. The State Department FOIA personnel are reading the e-mail to take out information they deem appropriate. How is Mrs. Clinton having absolute control over the process? Do you really think Mrs. Clinton personally read 30,000 or 50,000 e-mails?
Just because she is a woman, I have no expectation nor do I want her to do any better serving the interests of women more than the interests of the entire country. Has the African American community been “helped “in the long run by having an African American president? I am from St. Louis, I think not. But is it the president responsibility to help their ethnic group or sex in the long run? Wait a minute, I may be wrong on the help their own sex. We don’t know, I guess we should thank the men the UNITED STATES OF AMERCIA, this perfect union, according to your statement, they only did it for themselves.
Regarding your statement on her integrity and wisdom. I don’t see the issue on integrity that you infer, but I respect your opinion. Wisdom is the ability to make mistakes (we are human, everyone makes mistakes) but also recognizing those mistakes, grow from those mistakes to a greater understanding and insight. Based on this definition, I also must disagree, she does have wisdom, she has lived through President Clinton’s mistakes and Obama mistakes, as Senator, President Bush’s mistakes. I believe she understands these mistakes and the country would be better with this experience and wisdom.