Discussion: HHS Secretary Tom Price: CBO Score On Health Care Bill Is 'Wrong Again'


Gee, I feel so secure in that Tom Price knows everything! He was such a good doctor that he ran for Congress! Regret though that he misread his original oath, he thought it said "First, do harm!"


Trying to decide whether this depraved lying shitstain is more evil than Mulvaney or Pruitt is like trying to choose between Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot.


““The CBO was wrong when they analyzed Obamacare’s effect on cost and
coverage, and they are wrong again,” Price said in a statement.”
We will find out, won’t we Tom? And then you just won’t give a shit and will sweep it under that big rug of yours …won’cha Tommy?


I trust Tom Price like I trust Donald trump with my children’s piggy banks.


I’m not a church-goer, but I’d like to think that there is a special ring of hell for certain folks that will say anything to line their pockets, especially those that claim to be healers. Dr. Price will be enjoying the company of many that he currently “serves” with when he arrives there.


Trying to decide whether this depraved lying shitstain is more evil than Mulvaney or Pruitt

It’s like these creeps are going out of their way to be cartoonish villains in an old silent two-reeler, twirling their moustaches while they evict the old lady and her comely daughter from their rented shack down by the railroad.


I’ve lived in GA my whole life, so I’m very familiar with Tom Price. He was a politician in our General Assembly before he ran for, and won, a seat in Congress. He’s a lowdown, lying, hypocritical SOB who who would sell his own mom at an auction in order to bring attention to himself and to put more money into his bank accounts.


Wait, does that mean Trump is Mao? And who is Amin?

Frankly, ascribing that kind of intelligence to any of these nincompoops is probably going way overboard.


"23 million people will lose insurance coverage under the Republican bill.”

Hey, $600 billion in tax cuts ain’t gonna pay for themselves.

(And I know I shouldn’t think these things out loud, but why do I think of Liberace whenever I see Tom Price?)


Hey Dr… Death maybe the CBO is right. Price is a callous nasty man who doesn’t give a shit about anything but himself and his rich friends.


Frighteningly, we have to trust Price with the health and well-being of every person in the country. I’d gladly trade piggy banks to find an ethical Secretary of HHS.

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He looks like a Nazi.

they are wrong again,” Price said in a statement.

You are a sick fuck who doesn’t care how many people are hurt by your lies, as long as they are almost all poor.


On ObamaCare, Price slammed CBO’s estimates: "Americans are paying more for fewer healthcare choices.”

Following that logic, the CBO probably underestimated the disastrous effects of TrumpCare at just 23,000,000.

TrumpCare needs to die the death it deserves.

Occam’s Razor Analysis: He says this because he is a soulless lying profiteer.


Ah, CBO was right, but because multiple statures opted to not expand Medicaid when they sued, the costs were not what was projected (based on all states expanding Medicare0.

What is with these lying, anti-American, freaks?


They wanna go back to their role of whining and bitching about health care but not actually DOING anything about it. This time they can blame the Republicans in the Senate. They just voted for the thing to get it off their backs, not that they thought it would ever become law.


Why don’t you have another reporter jailed, you greedy, sadistic fuck.

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OT, but spot on for the eviction. Kushner now.

ProPublica has a great piece on Kushner evicting poor tenants, dragging them to court, and generally being as mean as his father-in-law.