I’m trying to collect my thoughts, which were scattered throughout the house after listening to Trump.
But this sums it up.
Holy crap. Get this man out now.
I’m trying to collect my thoughts, which were scattered throughout the house after listening to Trump.
But this sums it up.
Holy crap. Get this man out now.
Sure they do. Grant, Eisenhower, Sherman, MacArthur… Dig them up and ask.
“Why, if he wasn’t President he could be the biggest rock star since Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods!” - Sean Hannity, Culture Maven
We’ve been in a state of emergency since the day the SOB was elected with assistance of the Russians.
It just can’t be repeated often enough over the next few days:
The president called a press conference, declared a National Emergency, and then flew to Florida to play golf for the weekend.
He can’t even PRETEND to take this seriously.
Yes, we are in such a State of Emergency that the President had to immediately go f*cking golfing.
The moron said he didn’t have to do it! He just wanted to get the wall built faster!
Has he started asking about the strawberries yet?
(Apologies to Capt. Queeg.)
Well, Trump just set the terms for the National Referendum on his rule to take place in Nov. 2020. Are we a democracy or an autocracy ? The argument couldn’t be simpler. If Trump wants to run as King George Jr., he has just done it.
In his rambling he admitted that he wanted to declare a national emergency because it’s the “faster” option.
So…he just admitted it…He’s rushin’
Even if he wins in the courts, which I doubt, his wall will be built. Ya see, I believe that the power to approve the right to take land for government use is given to congress and not the president, and since it is not in the Law he is using only congress can approve the taking to land and I doubt that will happen. Our would be dictator losses again.
One of the biggest news days of the year,comments section was down and they post an EdBlog advertising Prime member subscription signup.
He took fifty minutes for this? Kennedy took less for the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Generals Kelly and Mattis picked a good time to get out.
Well there were a few questions from reporters in there…but yep. 50.
My guess is Prime AF post was already placed to post. But, yep…bad timing.