Discussion: Heitkamp: If Kavanaugh Vote Was 'Political Decision,' I'd Vote Yes

I struggle with language all the time. I don’t see why you shouldn’t as well!

No follow up on her thoughts about his lying about his behavior growing up?

or “courage”, gee, I didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition, this is the internet, not ‘The Globe Theatre’…


Or his general temper in the hearing ?

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Heitkamp’s brother, a North Dakota attorney and conservative talk radio host, was on The Beat with Ari Melber yesterday. He said the polls showing Heidi trailing were BS. “That’s not what I’m hearing from people,” he said.

I hope he’s right.



Make a donation to Heitkamp’s campaign as soon as possible. Even $5 is good. We need to send a message of support to her and Manchin: “If you fight for us, we will fight for you.”


“If this were a political decision for me I certainly would be deciding this the other way,” she said.

That is 100% antithetical to everything that should be considered when confirming a nominee to any court. Judicial confirmations should never involve political motivations!

Good on Heitkamp, because this is also how you change the politics of your state, by doing what’s right and pulling people along with you who are already receptive to other areas of politics you agree on.

That’s your problem, no one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition.


I sent a contribution to her campaign immediately after Heitkamp announced she’d vote no.

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I don’t understand all this praise for Heitkamp. She is a Democrat- how could she possibly vote for a corrupt, lying fascist, or any appointee of Trump-The-Traitor?

If the people of her state wanted a repug they’d have elected a repug. They voted for a democrat for a reason.

Anyway, with Trump appointees all over the place, especially SCOTUS, this country is literally doomed; voting for him is basically treachery to the United States.

When Democrats from red or red-leaning states do the right thing, some of us think it’s a good thing to reinforce their good behavior with a pat on the back or a few bucks if they’re running for office. Any Democrat is better than a Republican. That wasn’t always true, but it is now.


THIS x thousands!

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Well, some of us are a little tired of gendered metaphors.