Discussion: Heitkamp: If Kavanaugh Vote Was 'Political Decision,' I'd Vote Yes


In my judgment, Judge Kavanaugh is not someone we want on the Supreme Court,

Note to Manchin: JOE… this is what balls look like… she is NOT 10 points ahead


Thank you Sen Heidi Heitkamp for voting NO on Kavanaugh!

You are so BRAVE?!


Manchin could pin a “no” vote squarely on Kavanaugh’s lying about his record and what he did in the Bush administration (even many Republicans don’t like Bush) and on his clear partisanship and bad temperament (which make him unfit to judge cases involving regular West Virginians). It might cost a few votes, but he’d still win.


She makes Susan Collins look like the cowardly partisan hack she is, congrats on your courage and honesty Senator.


Heitkamp said she made her decision Thursday morning after reviewing the FBI’s supplemental file to the Senate on Kavanaugh. She said the report “created some inconsistencies in my mind with prior statements judge Kavanaugh made.” Heitkamp said that “led to this question of truthfulness.” She said she also believed Kavanaugh “was overly evasive and had a selective memory.”

Soon we’ll see who else actually read the report.


Exactly… but yet he has not committed to NO at this time

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That’s the problem. And I’m afraid he’s a “yes.” Hope he surprises me.

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Sen. Heitkamp got more balls than Flake and Manchin, not saying much, I know, but it ought shame them to a ‘no’, too…



Testosterone does not give you courage. It makes you aggressive. There’s a big difference.

If you must insist on hormonal explanations for courage, look at oxytocin or vasopressin — and notice that these don’t come from testicles: they are produced in your brain.


Testosterone does not give you courage. It makes you aggressive. There’s a big difference.

If you must insist on hormonal explanations for courage, look at oxytocin or vasopressin — and notice that these don’t come from testicles: they are produced in your brain.

I was - in fact - speaking metaphorically.

Yes, and, for reasons that are obvious even to children, it’s a terrible metaphor.

Find a better one.

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You prefer ‘guts’ ?

Don’t you?

Not really

Well, that explains it all… thanks

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Joe has asked his wife nicely if he can have them for the vote, but she knows he tends to get frisky when he has them, so she’s waiting till the last minute.

How about ‘grit,’ or ‘integrity’?

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Dee Gunsch, 83, a retired nurse in Bismarck, said she doesn’t agree with Heitkamp; she said she believes Ford, but regards Kavanaugh’s alleged behavior as “just part of growing up.”

And here’s the problem, young’ins- you need to get out and vote. This women thinks being sexually assaulted is “just part of growing up.”

I wonder if slut shamming is just part of “growing up?”
Or ‘boofing’?


It’s not the “growing up” It’s the lying, Dee!