Discussion: Hedge Fund Founder Shot Dead In New York City Apartment

Discussion for article #231611

The scourge of Rich White-on-Rich White violence has just got to end. Where are the moral arbiters here, discussing the fraying societal fabric of Rich White society?


Well, it seems the son fled the scene on foot. Went to fancy schools, “attended” Princeton. Probably a sharp dresser, snarky sense of humor, hot cars, all that. Of course I don’t know that, or have any idea what actually happened in the apartment. One thing’s probable though—sonny boy won’t be called a “thug” at any point, even if he murdered dear old dad. Not a thug.


Is one of those “What do you call —” jokes.

Hint: A good start.

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Because that would be a murderer. A thug is more of a mobster or gang type that continually act “thuggish”. A crime like this is more like an instinctive crime, where the person had not been habitually violent. The Gotti’s are thugs, this is more like what a spoiled brat punk would do, assuming he did it of course.

A thug is a thug. They can be any race, it’s based on behavior and personality. OJ and Dan White killed people, but they were not “thugs”. When a mobster looks to collect debts from slow payers, he sends his thugs. When gang members steal stuff through violence, they are thugs. Color has no relevance.

Looks more like a domestic violence issue if his kid did it.

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Bad gun.Bad, bad gun…

Naughty gun.

Gun needs a spanking.

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Mo money, mo problems.

Or, according to too common usage, any kid of color who gets shot by the cops. And therein lies the rub.


Syzygy? Interesting name for a company:

Such comments are usually made by ignorant fools, so I never use that as a gauge for what I say. And I don’t find that usage to be common either, I usually see it on talk shows or in comments sections.

If I have a summer party with friends and put out a lot of food, I include watermelon because it’s a great summer food. I don’t worry that some ignorant fools tie watermelon to black people, and my black friends who attend would think I was being real stupid if I did.

I agree the term gets used when it does not apply. But you would also agree that if a black guy does in fact act thuggish, I can call him a thug, yes? And if a kid murders his dad in an argument, that kid, regardless of color, is not a thug, he is a murderer, yes? Even serial killers are not “thugs”, they are serial killers. Al Capone was a “thug”.

There has to be a joke along the lines of ‘… is a good start’ lurking somewhere in this story.

Collateral damage, or unexpected dividend? Hedge Fund has a Romneyesque odor that always turns my nose. Condolences to the family.

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Well, except the kid if he did it…

The question for YOU is what you’d call a white pink kid doing the same thing.

Probably answer: MrComments would call him by his first name.

Hows about that white woman driving down the street wearing body armor while shooting at people? Did her body armor keep her alive or her whiteness?

We’re certain that you and only you have the answer…


MrComments is a world authority on all things “thuggish”, “thug” and “thuggery”

But he’s not a racist 'cause he has himself watermelons at his BBQs and he has a blaaah friend.


I particularly enjoyed the part where he explained to me the meanings of such common English words as “murder” and “thug.” He’s over on another thread explaining what brunch is. Did you know it’s a meal served as a cross between breakfast and lunch? You ever hear tell of such a thing? Dern if they don’t know them some words up there in NYC.


How dare you put limitations on my expression of sympathy and tell me who I can and cannot console! Beat it MrComments–your intrusion into my sentiment is not welcome.


Finally - some good news. One down, several thousand to go.

Vile comment.