Discussion: Heckler To Schultz: 'Don't Help Elect Trump, You Egotistical, Billionaire A**hole!'

After announcing that he’s considering running for president, he deserved the heckling just for thinking that it would be a good idea to could kick off his book tour in Manhattan at Union Square


Here is an idea. How about none of us actually vote for him? (Yes, it would be better if he doesn’t muddy the waters by running, but, really, who at this point would vote for the third party who might otherwise have voted for a more realistic candidacy?) If our democracy is really this dependent on utterly ignorant voters, we really are doomed.


another Faux never-trumper shows his true colors (with commentary from HW):

Schmidt is involved as well.

Snakes, the lot of 'em.


Use your extra millions for some worthy cause instead of your vanity. Don’t pour money down a rat hole for no purpose other than thinking you might become more famous.


In church, we call these people “prophets” not “hecklers.” #BiblicalLiteracy.


I have a hunch Schultz is going to be hearing variations of that sentiment, without the a**hole reference, all over the place. His is a particularly ill advised run.


Trump said he welcomes Schultz entering the race because he thinks it will help him get re-elected. Schultz said he wouldn’t do anything to help Trump get re-elected. Here’s your brains on crack - any questions?


It only takes a very small fraction in a few critical states (think Florida 2000 or Wisconsin/Michigan/Pennsylvania 2016) to cause a problem. Its really a flaw in the way we elect Presidents that this can occur and has occurred in two elections in the past 20 years.


I fully understand the equation, but I also think that people who vote third party know that they are throwing their votes away. That is substantially why they are voting that way. They are simply a variation of people who don’t want to dirty their hands by voting at all. If there weren’t a third party, they would just stay home, or leave that spot on the ballot blank. (Ralph Nader may have been a special case, but not this utter nobody.)


You egotistical, billionaire asshole!

It is not enough that they own 99% of the country’s wealth. Or that the latest tax bill enacted the Reagan Era Gospel of Trickle Down notwithstanding all empirical evidence against it, exploded the Deficit once more to make it impossible for future generations to enact a New Deal or restore safety net features killed by our Dixie GOP. They require the Cult of the Brilliant Billionaire of Bullshit Trendy Brands.


Smerconish said he voted for Gary Johnson. That was the day I stopped listening to Smerconish.


In Michigan, Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton by 10,704 votes, while Stein got 51,463 votes, according to current totals on the state’s official website.

And in Wisconsin, Trump’s margin over Clinton was 22,177, while Stein garnered 31,006 votes.

In Pennsylvania, meanwhile, Stein’s total of 49,485 votes was just slightly smaller than Trump’s victory margin of 67,416 votes, according to the state’s latest numbers.

Doesn’t take a lot of assholes.


What he said. With an ego driven by guys like Steve Schmidt, the guy who thinks people inexperienced at governing—like Sarah Palin— make great candidates and for that reason alone should be run for high office, and a lack of understanding of electoral college math and politics, this guy is determined to maximized Trump’s chances of winning with a minority of the vote again.

Let’s teach him some math— boycott Starbucks! Make sure everyone knows how he got so rich— by making single parents work unreasonable and unreliably scheduled shifts. How many baristas get $15/hr? Oh, and how many tons of greenhouse gases get pumped into the air by lines of cars outside of Starbucks drive-throughs?

Yes, he is an arrogant asshole.


But it is an illusion that they were ever going to vote for Hillary. If they wanted to vote for Hillary, there was nothing stopping them. We have to remember that there is always a third option . . . of not voting at all.


David Jolly knows perfectly well that 60% divided two ways is 30%. Which is less than 40%. Why is Jolly supporting the re- election of Trump?

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doesn’t the relevant parable (fable?) end with “You knew I was a snake all along…”?


Because he’s a republican.


If the press stopped giving him so much coverage, his “campaign” would fizzle. He is simply one of those egoes in need of a spotlight. Turn off the light and they seek it elsewhere.


Except social acceptance of the idea than Jill stein was anything more than a spoiler. Encouraged by the dead ended Berniebros and associated Russian bots. Pretending that Schultz is anything other than a spoiler only located more towards the center is ridiculous.

Do you want to argue that the centrist voters who might be attracted by Schulz’s rhetoric would otherwise stay home?