Discussion: Hawaii Restaurant Faces Backlash After Banning 'Nazi' Trump Voters

I understand that it’s a fairly expensive restaurant, so you can’t eat there with just Trump change.


They should have just put a bunch of insulting menu items:


Donald’s Grab the Feline Spritzer: $1 Billion
Maralago Martini (made with actual toilet water). 5 Million


Very Small trump/chicken fingers. 1 Thousand
Teenie Tiny trump meat balls. 2 bucks

Main Courses

Golden trump-hair pasta colored with pus and
Garnished with Ivanka’s shoe pads. 80 Billion

Lo-cal special ( A Chef’s surprise), but with
A promise: Calories will be no higher than
trump’s IQ. 1 buck

Of course, if anyone orders any of these out of spite, the answer should be that they just sold out of that item.

Seriously, I know it would probably cause them to be fire-bombed, but I just would love to see this happen.


I get that a fair percentage of Trump voters are racist, Nazi, prejudiced, what have you. But it clearly isn’t everyone who voted for Trump. And we aren’t going to change ANY minds with this approach. People are so much more isolated than they should be, and this discourages interaction, which can only lead to reification of views. For goodness’ sake, calling all Trump voters Nazis is just going to drive them further away from any chance of listening to data that might change their minds.

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Funny how the group who are looking forward so eagerly to the First Amendment Defense Act are upset that someone wants to discriminate against them.


O it never fails to be this way when people get into the burning books and shutting shit down mood. Apparently like a virus, fascism just pops out every so often, and it’s always those who want to discriminate, if not downright abuse, some Other who are the first to squeal that they are victims. It never varies.

Never ever.


Awfully brave, considering how Trump voters and guns go together.

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I’d have thought this was an insurance requirement by now, considering the violent acts in restaurants of Trump supporters.


Well, how can they say Trump voters can decide whether to eat there or not, when the sign clearly says they cannot eat there.

This is a public business and, as such, is required to serve people just as bakers are required to make wedding cakes. Imagine if the sign said “If you are black you cannot eat here. No BLW” A sign stating Not My President or Neo-Nazi’s Not Welcome would have shown the owner’s view without the bigoted undertones. Or humor, No Mango Moose-ilini sold here. Practically speaking, how would one know the voting history of a person walking through the door anyway?

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@ignoreland–But only if the goose is doing the Goose-step.

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In the spirit of religious liberty, let’s hear it for… well, for good old fashioned liberty.

Something Libertarians can endorse.

So why don’t they?

Ridiculous idea by the restaurant owner. Hard enough to make a go in that industry without turning away customers–no matter how deplorable.

This made me LOL. How does it feel for these haters to have the shoe on the other foot?

Carl A. Ralls8 hours ago
Will be there on the 8th of January with my Trump shirt and hat.

Well Carl, you should know, before you model that shirt and hat, that in Hawaii trump LOST …bigly. You may be quite the loner.

I agree that the restaurant industry is a hard one. But does not a business have the freedom to choose who they want as customers? If a bakery can choose to not cater a gay marriage in Indiana why can’t an eatery in Hawaii choose to not serve Nazi trump voters (their characterization, not mine.)?

Trump toilets?
How apropos

Typically whiny snowflake conservatives want to keep everyone out of their businesses and are passing a law FADA that does just that but then when it’s done to them they get all upset and need a time out.

You pass FADA and there will be many doors shut in your ugly nasty faces.

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[quote=“polisong, post:43, topic:48952, full:true”]
I get that a fair percentage of Trump voters are racist, Nazi, prejudiced, what have you. But it clearly isn’t everyone who voted for Trump. [/quote]

Conveniently, you don’t specify how you’re defining “racist” here.
But Trump voters saw a birther–and they voted for him.
They saw a guy who impugned the integrity and professionalism of federal judge (born and raised in Indiana) entirely because he had a Mexican name–and they voted for him.
They saw him shit on the most important values we have as Americans by insisting on a religious test on who can come here–and they voted for him.
They saw him endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan–and they voted for him.
At a certain point, you have the accept the evidence right in front of you.

Yeah, right.
We should try to appeal to their willingness to consider facts and data, their ability to listen to reason, to be motivated by decency; or their concern for the security, stability and honor of their own country; or their desire not to see their children and grandchildren grow up in a world built by plutocrats who collaborated with ex-KGB agents to steal them blind while trashing the entire planet.

Because that worked so well for us during the campaign.


Respond to threats of 2nd Amendment Remedies with 1st Amendment Remedies.

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