Discussion: Hatch: It's 'Ridiculous' That McCain Is Not Inviting Trump To His Funeral

Where is Meghan McCain of “The View” on this issue, or does she just criticize Democrats? I’d be screaming at the top of my lungs to every news outlet in the country, calling Hatch an insensitive gasbag.
I also have a feeling that morally-superior Orrin will be saying he was “misconstrued” before the end of the day, since he is going to get a fist up his clenched ass cheeks that is going to rip right through his Magic Underoos for saying this.


Dang… That headline has me curious, I’d read it. :slight_smile:

McCain should invite all top GOP leadership to the funeral, …Trump,… Putin,… the full staff of the GRU ect…


Yeah, as if the royal family and the British government didn’t check out every second of Markle’s life.
What does Pecker think the royal family and the British government are, the Trump administration doing the vetting for one of Donald’s cabinet nominees?


The headline really cracked me up! It is truly hilarious!


Look, if you haven’t been married 2-3 times, gone bankrupt, spent a weekend in jail, survived a life threatening injury or illness, buried a parent, totalled a couple cars, hid from someone’s spouse in a fricking closet all night AND THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE OUT OF TOWN, LINDA!!, JESUS H CHRIST!!, then you’re really kinda boring to talk to. Kudos to Markle for having a history.*

*Added bonus points for outrunning military police in a Holiday Inn parking lot. Thanks for not telling us you were in custody, Rick, when you invited us to that party.


Hatch has become increasingly dotty these past few years. Being charitable, his comments are inappropriate. His bromance with Donnie is creepy.




Maybe Trump will ‘crash’ the after the funeral get together back at the McCann house, but Hatch definitely wins the day, publicly criticizing a dying man’s wishes.

All joking aside, I really hope Trump doesn’t say anything about this. Might have to become a prepper if he does.

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Trulmpski also did not make the attendees list for the 2018 Met Gala. Nor did He show up for Putin’s inaugural bash even though he gave Vlad a congratulatory tongue bath. People have standards, you know.

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Ironic as it sounds, we were a much more hospitable country when people had a “none of your business” sensibility.


Senator Hatch, please explain to me what exactly has 45* done to make him a ‘good man’ in your eyes. And as long as we’re on the subject, I hope he goes to your funeral.


It would even be funnier if Trump wouldn’t say something like that.

Dont worry THatchy , Dumpy wont go - he won*t be center of attention .

There’s always room for one more to be uninvited if I were McCain…but he’s probably waaaay more forgiving than I would be. What a insensitive, boneheaded comment coming from a hypocritical old fuck like Hatch. He really is despicable to make any comment on a dying man wishes.


It is ‘ridiculous’ for Orrin Hatch to even weigh IN on McCain’s funeral plans. He has done this with prominent Democrats funerals and excoriated how they celebrate life. You REALLY should just STFU, O. You have already showed yourself to be a craven opportunist…is this how you want to be remembered?


Have they set the date for the funeral yet?

In all seriousness, allowing the people of Arizona the freedom to vote on their own Senator is no small thing, and if that can only happen if McCain dies this month…Well, you see, I’m for FREEDOM!

Hatch showing his usual judgement skills.

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Hatch is just another senile old guy who loves the Rump way more than he loves his country. Who in his right mind would want a piece of filth who called him a coward for being a POW while avoiding service himself for fake “bone spurs” at his funeral?