I’m terrified there is going to be a swimsuit competition.
The wall of meat?
50 million career diplomats
Hey, an exaggeration, but it’s the Trump way.
The biggest ever crowd of diplomats to show up.
When I first read this, the image that went through my head was of T-rump, Bannon, Christie, Guiliani in swimsuits…
My brain is infected by other threads here today.
God if they all wear strapless I will lose my mind!!
Yeah, that “wall of meat” decided to stay home and pound it there.
I think we all know that when Matt wrote 50 million, he meant 1.5 million.
Hmmm. Musta missed those.
As they dramatically part their robes to reveal chic two piece vinyl swimsuits and matching 6" stilettos.
Point that thing somewhere else.
There is a bunker analogy here, I think. In the meantime, there is a bobcat running loose in DC escaped from the National Zoo, and no sign of Melania since January 21.
“Tremendous, just tremendous, so tough to pick, so many tens. That’s great, isn’t that nice?”
“Fifty Million Frenchman Can’t Be Wrong” is a 1927 song about the ooh-la-la that got made into a Cole Porter musical and a mostly unseen film. Reading Mad Magazine for most of my early years gave me a knowledge of pop culture references from two generations earlier that has proved useful almost never.
How about a little something to watch instead of the reality show tonight. I don’t even like Bud, but this is truly awesome.
Go Falcons!
My brain munched a bunch of stuff together. There’s probably an alcoholic drink that should accompany the nightmare.
Like my generation and The Simpsons. So many references I only picked up later when I saw the original.
Well, republicans? You effing cowards. You suck.
I hope the Justice Contestants are fully embarrassed by the whole debacle. Contrast that with President Obama with Merrick Garland in the Rose Garden…