Discussion: Hannity To Women At CPAC: I 'Have X-Ray Fox Vision' - You're Pregnant!

That’s some derp humor right there.

The latest Duggar bride is going to pop out her third from her clown car uterus.

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I had a boil on my ass once. I named it Hannity


Nah, not broken, apparently I was so potent that it worked by osmosis.

And quite disturbing.

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You mean, more than he normally does?

His soul ran away screaming years ago.

i still don;t understand if the “Fox vision” is supposed to refer to working for Fox, or is he saying he can see inside the uterus of 'foxy" women. Not sure which is creepier.

we lost Leonard Nimoy today but this asshat still has an audience


I always knew Hannity was an idiot, but apparently he’s a creepy idiot, those are the worst kind!

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Hannity To Women At CPAC: I ‘Have X-Ray Fox Vision’ - You’re Pregnant!

Does he have X-Ray Sperm too?

I, too, have X-ray vision. Sean hannity, you have no brain! Bill O’Reilly, you have no soul. Sarah Palin, you have no purpose. Ben Carson, you have no clue. Rick Santorum, you have no real friends. Scott Walker, you have no hope. Jeb Bush, you have no future. Sam Brownback, you have no money! Laura Ingram, you have no life.


Osmosis and toilet seats …and a few doorknobs

Women hafta be vewy careful.

Perfectly normal thing to say for a guy obsessed with Superman’s powers and abilities while struggling to conceal the boner in his pants.

" and I can see some of you women, you don’t even know it yet, but you’re pregnant," Hannity said. “It’s not your fault. It’s not his fault. Who’s fault is it?”"

This is what happens when you skip sex ed.

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Don’t forget “weirdly perverse” and creepy. Only he knows why the hell he went there.

I always thought Hannity had a bad encounter with his priest when he was a lad.

Hannity must be a medical prognosticator. He also sat in front of Terri Schievo’s hospitice and told the world that she could walk and talk.

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You think he might have sex with his wife through a hole in the sheet?

Poor Mika, does Macy’s stock cute little lead A lines?