Discussion: Hannity Tears Into Jon Stewart For Calling Him 'Hypocritical' On Bundy Ranch

Sean Hannity is the lowest form of TV host…short on intelligence, unable to create an original thought, his books are all ghost-written by Mark Levin, he is a consummate hack

Cleesian wisdom at it’s finest! Well done!

As many of us have noticed, Hannity can dish it all day long, but can’t take it for even a second. Worse than that, the man has no capacity to handle a joke even when it comes from a comedian.

Without his show, Hannity would just be that cranky uncle everybody avoids at holiday dinners.

Finally, 40 years after fourth grade, Hannity has mastered the “I know you are but what am I” defense.

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Bwwaaahaha - yeah, you don’t take him seriously, Sean. Sure you don’t. That he nailed you for your defense of an old white man’s civil disobedience while you clearly detest every other type of person’s civil disobedience isn’t the point, no. snort

Bringing up Ayers and Cat Stevens at this stage, in response to the Peabody level video clip expose the “comedy hack and his writers” did on your hypocrisy, Sean? Pitiful.

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Guess this new comment system doesn’t find all the trolls.

Dumb move Sean. Ask Jim Cramer and the Morning Joe crowd how this kind of retort with John Stewart works out…

Sean Hannity also called Neo Nazi Andy Martin a respected journalist. You can find the program on You tube if you want. I lived in South Florida in the 1980s where that guy was staple of radio talk show hosts both left and right when ever they wanted to boost ratings by heckling the idiot Nazi on the air. Hannity the hack did no research on his lunatic guest.

On October 5, 2008, Martin was featured as a “journalist” on Hannity’s America of the Fox News Channel. According to The New York Times, “The program allowed Mr. Martin to assert falsely and without challenge that Mr. Obama had once trained to overthrow the government.”[3] In a subsequent appearance on Hannity & Colmes, Robert Gibbs, Obama’s communications director, criticized Hannity for allowing Martin to appear on the show.[32]

Fox Senior Vice President Bill Shine later retracted support for Martin as a guest: “Having that guy on was a mistake. We obviously didn’t do enough research on who the guest was.”[33]

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Absolutely right. Bundy is a hero because:

  1. he’s a republican
  2. he’s white
  3. he’s stolen over a million dollars from the Federal government as a squatter on federal land who refuses to pay rent.

If he was a person of color, a democrat, and he got $10 too much in food stamps, he’d be on Hannity’s show, all right. But he wouldn’t be a hero.

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Does Hannity remember the old Crossfire on CNN? Stewart went on the show in 2004 and his critique of the show to its hosts, particularly the smarmy Tucker Carlson, pretty directly led to CNN dropping the show and letting Carlson go. Not a good idea for a conservative charlatan like Hannity to go tugging on superman’s cape.

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yeah well you are indeed “pretty messed up”.

Correct on all counts, IOKIYAR being the primary operative paradigm.

Uh, Sean? If you look at the pictures again, it weren’t the Feds pointing Their guns…
Maybe when you can pull your gigantic empty head out of your @ss, you’ll get that you’re not in on the joke… you’re the punchline.

And how he encouraged the Occupy members to arm themselves, point guns at cops and use their womenfolk as a human shield?

Interesting that you’re supportive of just the one farmer who has his wahoos pointing guns at law abiding cops, but don’t apparently give a rat’s ass about the huge number of farmers who state they absolutely need to employ undocumented workers to pick crops and farm their land.