Discussion: Hannity Names Names In Fiery Tirade Against Never Trumpers: ‘You Own’ Clinton!

Oh Sean, you ignorant slut. ‘Purposefully distorting, creating doubt, misperception…’ ahhh yes. It’s time for you to bow out gracefully…maybe Alex Jones over at Info Wars can use a fill in host.


I don’t get it Sean - your boy is winning! Big! Huge! Why all the defensive, loss-anticipating talk? You mean you actually believe all those skewed polls showing your boy getting thrashed in the general?

Man, Hannity is going to be so much fun to watch on election night.


except it will be 200,000 enthusiastic Mexicans with Trump Pinatas


Is this his hit list for violent white supremacists for when Trump loses, and loses badly?

“sick and tired"

I agree. Hannity is sick and he is tired…

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I hear there’s a sale on tomatoes and tomatillos at the local bodegas to throw at tRump when he arrives. Believe Me…


Hannity is under the impression that the GOP establishment will not support Trump because they “don’t like his demeanor.” That barely scratches the surface. This is from a letter signed by 50 GOP national security experts:

“From a foreign policy perspective, Donald Trump is not qualified to be president and commander-in-chief. Indeed, we are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being.”

“Most fundamentally, Mr. Trump lacks the character, values, and experience to be president. He weakens US moral authority as the leader of the free world. He appears to lack basic knowledge about and belief in the US Constitution, US laws, and US institutions, including religious tolerance, freedom of the press, and an independent judiciary.”

“In addition, Mr. Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that he has little understanding of America’s vital national security interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances, and the democratic values on which US foreign policy must be based.”

That ain’t a problem with his demeanor.


First time I’ve ever seen the words “Jonah Goldberg” and “class” used in the same sentence.


Hannity angry is almost as frightening as an angry Chihuahua…I am sure Glenn Beck trembles…

A robotic sociopath rants…mental illness gone wild.

If FOX ever pee-tested their employees for drugs, I don’t think they would stay in business.

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Once again, Hannity shows the word he is an asshole. Go, Sean. Sad.

The fact that Mr. Hannity can phonate while his head is so far up Trump’s ass is quite a remarkable achievement.

Hannity has smaller hands than Trump.

Like Bob Grant and Morton Downey, Jr. before him, Hannity overestimates his popularity and relevance. Whenever I hear the American English slang word blowhard, Sean Hannity’s image appears in my mind.

And then insHannity’ turned to his owner and asked: "How’d I do, Daddy? May I have another kiss?

… ~muuuuuuah!~"

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Doesn’t Hannity own it for helping get Trump the nomination when he had no chance of winning?

Ha, correct, but that would require Lumpy to take some personal responsibility for the first time in his life. Instead he’ll do what we’re seeing here – preemptively blaming everybody else for he and his waterhead followers nominating a disaster of a candidate.

I’m already looking forward to Sean and Co. pouncing on any Hillary misstep as proof that we should have gone with Trump.

And you own Trump.

I know which team I’m prouder to be on.

Ha, I had a similar initial reaction. It’s like the neighborhood bully giving you the option of eating a shit sandwich or getting an awesome nickname.

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Now I need brain bleach.

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“Yeah, I’m going to name names,” he added. “I’m not sitting here and wimping out."

Yeah. Sean never wimps out. Oops:

On April 22, 2009, Sean Hannity offered to undergo waterboarding for charity as proof that it’s not torture. Yet Hanniity, who loves the thought of waterboarding others, has yet to fulfill that pledge.