Hannity is getting justifiably scorched in his tweet’s comments section.
I would love for some circumstance arising from all this corruption—the Cohen trial would do nicely—to settle Hannity’s hash once and for all. That cheap punk needs to go down so hard he never comes back up.
Cleese summed this clown up perfectly (as recited by Olberman)
The sex tape of him and Rush sharing a couple of underaged Dominican boy prostitutes might do the trick.
Why the fuck ANYONE listens to Hannity is beyond me. He is a self serving asshole.
Not-yet-President Obama had my favorite quote about Hannity and his ilk: (from Dreams of my father)
I can’t see why anyone would waste their precious time listening these sour-pusses.
Many people are saying he takes Russian money to support Trump. Mostly me. But what the hell’s he doing as a “client” of Cohen’s? If I were a cop I’d be looking really hard at that.
His listeners are just like him
My word, that video. They’re like Monkeys in a zoo flinging shit.
With apologies to monkies…
Life must be so simple when you’re unencumbered by facts. All you have to do is figure out how to sleep at night and how to look at yourself in the mirror long enough to brush your teeth, shave, or apply your smoky eye.
Hannity is accusing Acosta of being biased??? That’s hilarious!! Actually, it is disgusting.
No one more accurately symbolizes the depraved, vulgar, and monumentally ignorant Trump “base” than Hannity. He’s a national embarrassment and no legitimate news station would keep him. (That’s why he works for Trump TV™️).
With apologies to Faulkner, As I Lay Dying:
. . . It would just be Trump and me on my show and me hurling insults at the Fake News media at their faces, picking up insults and tweeting them out on the web faces and teeth and all by God until Trump learns to be quiet and not that goddamn Acosta going The press is not the enemy. The press is not the enemy and we could be quiet.
You just know Hannity is getting his marching orders from gropy pervert enabler Bill Shine with mango face in the background.
What really kills me is that while the trumpanzees excoriate CNN and WaPo, those news sources continue to report news regardless of political fallout, give opinion space to conservatives/less popular ideologies and publically retract erroneous reporting. How hard it must be to stay true to important journalistic standards in the face of this baseless, but incessant, onslaught. Thank your favorite journalist today!
On his prime time show “Hannity,” the host added that Acosta should have been more concerned about the treatment of press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the White House Correspondents dinner when she was heckled by comedian Michelle Wolf.
Hannity accusing anyone of “lying bullshit” is like Trump claiming to be a “very stable genius” or his shit show fly by the seat of his pants Administration being a “finely tuned machine.”
No wonder Seanie and Donnie are such buddies. They operate at the twelve year old level.
IMO Pig Hannity w Cohen was; a mob family buy into the true Trump inner circle and (most important to Hannity) find out about Trumps worst financial etc crimes before he went full in Trumpster.