Unless you’re Limbaugh and you’ve negotiated a contract that requires your owners to pay you a shitton of money regardless of whether you’re profitable.
And for a mere 30 coffee-makers of silver…
Well, well, well. So Hannity doesn’t have any balls after all. Just because Roy is a born again asshole who likes the idea of fucking little girls, Sean drops him like a hot turd. Sad.
Hannity should be hauled in front of the FBI because he appears to be taking orders from the Russians. It’s not about potentially violating Mr Hannity’s first amendment rights, it’s about treason.
When it gets down to it Sean, it really is ‘all about you’ right? What are you gonna do now that Shep has slapped your Uranium One story down with actual FACTS??? Do we need to get advertisers to boycott you for LYING too?
Sean, I don’t think Roy is going to sign your yearbook. Or if he does it won’t say “AFA.”
After this how many of his watchers want that free coffee maker? Principled as they are.
Roy Moore is programed to molest girls. That’s what he does. And he is a lying sack of dog poop, but those are not the problems. He figured he had it taken care of by marrying one of those teenyboppers and just letting his other victims fade away with time. His classic behavior of overcompensation (see Nugent, et al.) as a bible beater and idiosyncratic racist politician with a large side order of GLBT bigotry should have been enough to keep attention away from his core. It was good enough to fool Alabama and Hannity. Change, as change does, has come to the idea that females exist for any pleasure men may wish to force them into. That is the problem that Moore and Hannity can not overcome. Hannity can save himself by turning on his old friend. Moore is left to fade into time.
The best laid plans of mice and men…
What Sean fails to realize is that most journalists would have pointed out those inconsistencies DURING THE INTERVIEW, not waiting for someone to get a corrected response 24 hours after the fact. I believe the only reason he’s doing this is because he was brought in by the Fox News brass for a “come to Jesus” meeting, where THEY pointed out the inconsistencies.
Wait, so his answers matter even when the lying sluts are lying sluts who totally deserved it, not that anything happened, but if it had, which it didn’t, they totally deserved it even though nothing happened?
For all the lying they do, it’s amazing that these people still haven’t figured out that one lie is always more convincing than two.
roy, the mall masher, on hannity’s comments, “the bus, boss, the bus. sure didn’t see that one coming.”
"and then that yearbook comes out"
… well the Bovine spongiform encephalopathy aflicted Right-Wing crazies have already proclaimed that the yearbook is an obvious forgery
Will be interesting to see what Hannity will accept as a legitimate ‘explanation’ - he has about 8-9 hours to decide - since his ultimatum was “24 hours”
Especially since the core of the Hannity viewing followers is that same band of aflicted Right-Wing crazies who are actually saying - SO WHAT? - push their buttons just right and they will erupt and scream that they flat out do not care if Moore forcibly had his way with a dozen 14 year old female children - " that was 30 years ago " - “they participated & never said anything”
I’m sure Moore can just make a flow chart that will prove his innocence to Hannity. “See, Sean, no lines connecting me to any of them lovely little ladies.”
Excuse me while I empty my stomch.
Why were those companies sponsoring his show in the first place? What insipid evil drives them?
That and I wonder how many conversations it took to get Hannity to understand the Moore never answered his question, never gave a consistent response, and flat out danced around him making him look like the hack that he is?
Advertisers pulling their spots hurts Hannity more than being associated with a child Moore-lester.
OK, Hannity; when will you explain why you never underwent waterboarding, as you once promised?
Sean INsanity trying to stop the bus…
And Sean has painted himself into a corner (as usual ): When Roy doesn’t explain himself, Sean is obliged to drop him…