Honestly, I think it’s gonna take taking off from orbit and nuking the lot of them so get rid of the lot. Even then we’ll have to salt the site.
Gorka is an actual Nazi.
But thank for playing Sebastian.
Here’s one with a short life span…
3…2…1… take out the trash!
Got anything of value to say …or just more drivel?
and Poof! gone with the trash.
Where da socks been? Haven’t seen one for a while
You have to look quick with that one, he’s soon gone.
His first segment will cover novel parallel parking techniques.
I can’t believe they haven’t already hired Alex. He’s the new Glenn Beck for the Age of Trump.
Another segment might be on the best way to remove Arrow Cross tattoos when Red Army tanks are rolling into Budapest.
I expect Sebastian Gorka went to them for a job. He’s got bills to pay.
I was joking about Alex Jones.
That’s the kind of joke you’re appalled to see become a reality. Sort of like when “The Simpsons” years ago presented a Trump Presidency as a future dystopian nightmare.
With a tank? That would be entertaining.
Well, killing me to watch highlights from last year with Ari.
I did get a chill posting about Alex though
It gone.
I like the picture accompanying this article. It looks like branches are growing out of Gorka’s fat box head.
I always knew it was the Fascist News Network. Now we have proof.
The money quote description of Trump,
“He’s a man with a lemur wig and a five-pound bolus of chin-wattle who thinks he’s irresistible to women.”
This user is suspended until August 3, 2020 4:50pm.
Reason: twitty troll
Only 3 years?