Discussion: Hanging of the Lincoln Assassination Conspirators. July 7th, 1865

I wonder if we gave the death penalty to dirty cops and prosecutors, as well as those who make false accusations in capital cases - would that (combined with improvements in science) help eliminate wrongful convictions?


that looks like a bad way to die

He was shot and then burned to death. That’s seems pretty just.

Correction: he was shot in a burning barn, and then died later, not of burning, but of his gunshot wound. Still, he didn’t get away.

This may be controversial, but killing another human being is completely immoral in any and all circumstances. It is a stain upon mankind. It is a degraded society that has created the monsters we call villains. In most cases these people have lived lives of horrible abuse and neglect. Just look at the streets these days, evidence is everywhere of those who must endure impossible odds. Almost nobody is completely irredeemable and there are many other ways to deal humanely with those who must be kept separate due to what is often mental illness. Capital punishment does not accomplish a better society, it is degrading inhumane vengance and has no place in The United States of America.

Was he? Other evidence indicates that Booth was never apprehended.

For about $600 in lumber, you’ve got a pretty good way to terminate a convicted person’s life…why not bring back death by hanging?

Or, for a lot less money in lumber, death by burning!

The books were right: Powell sure was tall.

Hey, you’re on to something Antheridia. Hollywood could really spice up their action movies if the stunt people didn’t actually have to live!

I’m surprised that no one has brought up nitrogen asphyxiation yet (http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/jurisprudence/2014/05/death_by_nitrogen_gas_will_the_new_method_of_execution_save_the_death_penalty.html).