“it just means that we are not going to do anything about it, so there,” Haley explained.
Trump: Haley is a Raghead and is a 2. US will never believe in a Chinese Hoax. There is no Climate Change. We love warm weather. Every house will be a beach.
[Insert obligatory “she’s running” joke here.]
It is impossible to find the language of condemnation that is proportionate to the GOP’s climate-change evil. One by one, these hacks put their pathetic little careers and egos and bank balances ahead of the future viability of the planet, the wellbeing of their children and grandchildren, the future of homo sapiens. There literally has never been a more consequential and wrongful abuse of political power.
The world just got its laugh for the day. Haley will be shunned along with the the United States when serious discussions of climate change occur. I’m sure she will try her hardest to corrupt and dismantle anything that has to do with clean air or clean water or edible food. The Trump administration is all for jobs: jobs for people with shorter life spans.
“It’s how do you have that balance between making sure you have jobs and businesses moving [away from the shore / to higher ground / to Canada] and also making sure you protect your climate.”
“Climate Protection” eh? There’s a new one.
Another euphemism in the service of doing nothing about the biggest problem facing the world.
Haley: US Paris Withdraw Doesn’t Mean We Don’t Believe In Climate Protection
Cuz We’re Going To Protect Our Own Climate All By Ourselves!
We’re Gonna Build A Wall Around America To the Stratosphere And Install Giant Coal-Powered Air Conditioners!!!
America First!
America First!
America First!
See …I’m a moderate
After Donald leaves , Watch her in 2020
Someone should ask her so she can blush and deny it
“Nikki Haley said Tuesday that climate protection is important, but it shouldn’t take priority over American jobs.”
We aren’t saying the ocean liner is sinking, but doing something about it isn’t going to take priority over moving these deck chairs around"
“We’ve got to stop being the stupid party. It’s time for a new Republican Party that talks like adults.” – Bobby Jindal, 2013
Haley: We Believe In Climate Protection
Other big lies on the list:
Check’s in the mail.
(Speaking of protection) I’ve had a vasectomy; trust me.
This administration believes in climate protection.
In right wing parlance this means firing up more coal plants.
Suddenly Republican thinking on climate change becomes clear. Their plan: By doing nothing to mitigate climate change they will guarantee full employment, that’s 100% employment, in America. If we have fewer people, then at some point everyone will have a job. And then all those people will be grateful to the Republicans and will vote for them. That’s if, of course, you assume the living will ignore the millions of dead, the failure of large swaths of business, the destruction and failure of food crops, the massive flooding of coastal cities, the death of the oceans and the oxygen-creating organisms that sustain our lives, and so on. That’s the Republican plan, well thought out as usual, based on the facts and evidence as usual, and developed with a keen eye to the best interests of the American people and the people of the world, as usual.
That said, I would paraphrase a saying from Eastern philosophy, or somesuch: If you meet a Republican on the road, kill it, because sure as shit it’s out to kill you and yours.
Trump must be taken down. The Republicans must be kicked out of the Executive Branch en masse. The Republican Party must be destroyed. The lives of tens of millions, if not billions, hang in the balance.
Bullshit. I can appreciate Haley wishes to appear sane and wants to salvage her dignity. But until we hear this from the tweeter in chief, official policy is still something like “all this scientific gibbergabber is a chinese hoax to takerr jawbs.”
Nikki, without a planet we can live on “jobs” are pointless.
And then there is Senator Inhofe … a description of whom fails me.
Yesterday it dawned on the Trump administration that a thoughtless withdrawal from TTP is going to hurt farmers badly and today it dawns on Nikki Haley that withdrawal from the Paris Accords might adversely impact the country in a world driven by the drive to renewable energy.
Maybe we ought to require Iheartradio and Fox News to hire shock jocks and meme monkeys who are professionally qualified economists and scientists. Better yet maybe we should stop listening to ignorant people who are allowed to talk only because they are willing to say whatever shit comes to them in the moments between opiod highs.