Discussion: Haley Says North Korea 'Begging For War'

And here we are, actually hoping that there is a soft military coup in action somewhere. It is jolting thought when you step back and look at it. The damage this §resident has generated to the stability of this country is astounding.


Oh I feel better now!!! Shit.

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No argument from me. I’m in Chicago-- possibly in range, too, depending how one estimates NK’s capabilities.
God save us all.

That hyper-cooperation angle is what the Liberul evolutionary scientists say to further their liberal agenda and social collectivism.

But the scientists hired by real men, Rightwing conservatives, have a different view of man’s ascent from the garden of Eden featuring Cain beating Abel’s brains in and countless tribal wars for dominance as told in the Bible.

Dominance/Submission is the name of the game that rules all human history sayeth the Right. And you are either with them or against them and woe be unto those against, for ye will also then be against the Lord God creator of Heaven and Earth as well as His chosen representatives the rulers of His creation who have the power to bring the unbelievers to their knees in His Holy Name with the fury of firestorms unleashed upon the wicked, sayeth the Lord !

WooHoo! I feel a lot better now gettin’ that off my chest!

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All they gotta do is build a rocket with a bigger gas tank so it will go farther. Just use the same technology but make it bigger and Jerry Jones will be in range on 10 December.

You might well, shudder, be right. I was parodying a Trumpista line of thought.
Have read some supercarrier-as-target stuff, as well as some rebuttals. Hoping not to find out, either way.


That used to be true.

Since Eisenhower, war is something that drives the American economic engine. That’s why we conduct so much war, and why over half of our tax dollars is welfare for the defense industry.


Let’s not forget The Cold War, which never really ended, feeding the MIC.

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Ratings bump hell - he’s even more desperate for a change of storyline.


Yes I know Guam is a US territory. That does not change the fact that NK is in China’s backyard, is a critical piece of their power puzzle, and is a royal pain in their ass. The last thing on earth China needs is NK nuclear aggression – against Guam/USA, SK, Japan, whoever. That would totally screw up their world. Now if our juvenile wannabe dictator pulls some stupid aggressive stunt and makes NK totally our problem, all bets are off… Which would be beyond stupid. And therefore is of course possible

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She’s Blunder Woman.

I still can’t believe the bottom feeders in this joke of a WH. How fall we’ve fallen.

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He needs - desperately- to change the storyline. Mueller + Pee Tape / Russian collusion = Donnie needs a smokescreen. And dropping a nuke creates a lot of smoke.


He thinks of it as the ultimate orgasm, and perhaps the only kind he can get nowadays.


Don’t blame Eisenhower.


Maybe they are begging for other things and using the threat of war to try and get it. Things are supposedly pretty bad in that country, maybe if we could find some way to help they quit acting crazy or maybe enough high level officials and citizens would return to sanity and replace their crazy leader.

I’m just SO glad I gave you the opportunity to Tarzan your man boobs like that :smirk:

Absolutely not!
: - )