Discussion: Haley Says North Korea 'Begging For War'

I always turn off the part w the monkeys. Even if Kubrick has a good point I hate it.

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Ruling by crisis isn’t really an effective strategy for any organization - from my condo board to my work unit to our federal government. It leads to increased anxiety, decreased productivity, poor morale, infighting, and unnecessary stress (all of which we are witnessing).


You’re absolutely right.

I live in Seattle – and I know that if trump continues to respond in ever escalating threats with NK we are likely targets here, just as Seoul and Tokyo. I swing between furious anger and despair every waking minute. We simple do not have anyone at the helm that is trustworthy and level headed let alone anyone with expertise. What the hell qualifies Haley to be in the position she is in other than she enjoys trump’s patronage? Further, I really think the evangelicals are pushing trump to war – just the way they keep praying over their man… flattering him that he is god’s agent. They want armageddon.


NoK doesn’t have the capability of hitting the continental US.


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Excellent response. This will never happen with this administration, but it would be interesting to see an official statement along those lines. “While North Korea continues to provoke, the world will continue to attempt diplomacy. Every test will be considered a provocation that will result in more sanctions. Make no mistake, any military offensive action by DPRK will be met with the full force of the US military in defense of the US and our allies.”


Haley said that the U.S. supports additional diplomatic efforts with North Korea, but she did not rule out military action.“War is never something the Unites States wants — we don’t want it now,” Haley said. “But our country’s patience is not unlimited. We will defend our allies and our territory.”

Haley, et al, are so fond of saying how sanctions haven’t worked. What makes them think statements like the one above that have also been made for years have any more impact than sanctions?


This is the WHOLE point.

NK is China’s problem. They HATE this embarrassing little lunatic prick, but they are stuck being the only country on the planet that wants/needs this disfunctional shitshow to survive. Let THEM invade this damn nuisance if Fatty Kim the Third goes for Guam or something asinine (which he won’t - he wants attention, not Chinese imposed regime change) This is CHINA’S PROBLEM. Just walk away and let them own it!!

Oh for Petes sake…The dysfunction. The mind numbing dysfunction of this POS POTUS is just, well, mind numbing

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Which is exactly what it won’t be. If anything, it’ll be the strike that shatters the idea of US military supremacy vis-a-vis China.

Our best force projection methods right now are the 11 USN Carrier Strike Groups, but China’s been developing long-range anti-ship missiles specifically to deal with those for decades. Right now, the Nimitz-class supercarriers are useful as mobile airbases for supporting limited, regional conflicts, and far more useful in their (more common, outside the Iraq/Afghan theatres) use as first-responders in the case of natural disasters or other global catastrophes. In that role, they bring unparalleled capabilities in terms of command and control, and search and rescue. They and the rest of the Strike Group provide manpower, staging, and hospital capacity as well as emergency peacekeeping forces if needed, and the carrier itself has enough in emergency ship-board supplies to somewhat ease the burdens placed on local providers until relief shipments begin to arrive (which can often be brought in by landing on the carrier itself).

But in the case of exactly the kind of conflict between world powers that their predecessors were instrumental in winning… they’re targets, and little more. Defensive capabilities against anti-ship missiles right now are limited at best, and the missiles are both cheap and numerous enough to be fired a dozen at a time if needed. Until more effective anti-missile defenses are developed (including more powerful laser systems, given the time needed on-target for the technology being tested and deployed in limited use now to actually detonate a single missile), they’re really not a smart option for a major Pacific conflict.

And any such conflict with China will demonstrate that. So while in the ‘loss of life’ category, the first-order issues are a nuclear exchange which we definitely want to avoid, the long-term costs of starting a war with NK, if China follows through on the position they’ve held since 1953… they’re basically handing everything west of Midway (since, you know, Guam likely eats a mushroom cloud) and north of Papua/New Guinea to China as a Zone of Control.


Shut the fuck up you lying two bit scumbag. We see your fucking shitty game Haley. Pretending to be the moderate when all you do is give these traitors cover. Fucking drop dead you pathetic sub-human.

Look on the bright side: You’re probably not the first-line target for North Korean nukes, if Trump starts a war. Neither is Guam.

Hawaii is. NK nukes hit Yokosuka and Pearl, then hit Guam, the Pugett Sound area, and the San Francisco Bay.


There is no reason for this nation to be playing this game, and for Haley to say NK is begging for war is just another diversion to help trump try to avoid prosecution. Please, republicans, you are the ones who can immediately stop the dangerous charade, this clown show. trump works to change the existing, because he knows nothing about it, and he cannot learn. So he destroys and destructs, because then he begins to understand the existing, things are on his terms. This nation is too great, too important to the world to be strung out on the designs of a fool.


Unfortunately, that’s not a certainty. As reported back in April, the Hwasong-14 may have a range of as much as 10,000km, which means (by going north, over the pole) it’s got ‘Just short of Chicago’ range. Basically, draw a curving line from Chicago to Baja Mexico, and you’re not overestimating by much. Roughly 30-40% of the continental US is in that range.


Kubrick was a fan of the “most violent ape” view of human evolution. Very popular until fairly recently. I think of it as the Dickhead Theory of Human Evolution.

Great news. There is masssive new scientific evidence that hyper-cooperation, not violence, was the main driver behind Homo sapiens evolutionary success .

Those monkeys were just guys being jerks.

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President Donald Trump weighed in on North Korea on Sunday, tweeting that he is considering ending trade with all countries who trade with North Korea.

He won’t. China makes too much of the swag he’s shilling.


Dickhead Monkeys, eh? :wink: :relieved:

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Typical conservative response: You are forcing us to attack you…


Yep. Boys behaving badly. It’s a primate thing​:wink::smirk::roll_eyes:

  1. Unless Will Ripley is a covert USIC agent, most western countries don’t have an idea of what Kim or DPRK leadership is like. If not for Ripley , a few other western reporters or DPRK defectors, the odds are that the West would be in a real bind when figuring out Kim.

  2. Guam is an United States territory.

Now we can get into a conversation about colonialism’s perils, but there was a somewhat similar conversation that led to Guam getting invaded in WW2.

While Trump talked a big isolationism game in '16, choosing Mattis and McMaster as Natsec members shows how he now feels about the foreign policy part of ‘America First’.

There must already be shadow military chain of command that will take the reigns if this NK crisis comes to a head. Trump will be out of the loop and he can shout orders to his heart’s content but no one will be listening.

The only problem with this is that he can still foment war with his tweets and bellicose outbursts, but I hope the military through their liaisons have back channels to all governments involved assuring them this crisis is in the hands of the Generals and not to pay any mind to Trump’s mad rants.

I sure hope the Pentagon has the sense to usurp the executive branch in this matter.