Discussion: Gunman Duped By ‘Pizzagate’ Allegedly Wanted To Rescue Child Sex Slaves

OK for something really important- what is going on with the female (?) officer in the picture? Is he/she suppose to be holding something, throwing something, or preparing to catch Welch when he falls?

I’m sure they will dismiss this as yet another “false flag” concocted to discredit them. And they’ll probably say “well, duh, of course the Clinton-Podesta Child Trafficking Ring has moved its headquarters elsewhere once we blew the whistle on them!”

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…and POETUS has not been inaugurated yet…


If this guy had wound up killing someone, Alex Jones and Michael Flynn should have been charged as accessories.

Guess this idiot was lucky he did this in DC and not one of those red states where being armed is allowed. I mean how many times has right wing media said that “if more people were armed, they could stop these attacks”? If this was FL, this guy could have been killed by an armed “hero” over some bullshit he heard on “The Twitter”.

Expect more instances of stochastic terrorism as long as high-ranking Republicans refuse to disavow #fauxnews and instead promote it.

Conservatives are getting weirder and more delusional by the hour - and we allow these idiots to vote and own guns. Initiate the apocalypse immediately, please!!! I can’t wait any longer.

Don’t call the police… Be a hero

Like lobbing grenades? or lobbying? sorry, am in a pissy mood today. Which makes it different from all other days.

10 times a day I smack myself in the forehead and say to myself…“another dumb fucking white man”. This was #3 for the day. I say this as a half a white guy myself.

He’ll get a slap on the wrist. A little time and probation.

Holding her service weapon.

And I’d be willing to bet we also should also not allow this guy around children…

Thanks, I finally saw it in a larger picture. It blends in well with her uniform in the smaller pix.

Isn’t this a case of a rather unintelligent individual buying into (1) an obviously false (to people who have a basic understanding of how the world works) rumor spread via right wing internet jerks, plus (2) the same individual having bought into too many Hollywood fantasies about an Ordinary Joe taking matters into his own hands and saving innocents when the establishment doesn’t seem to care?

You can totally see him reading this and thinking “why isn’t anyone DOING anything” and then cursing “the government” for its ineptitude. As the weeks go by, he keeps reading and getting angrier-- not once thinking “this is so obviously false that it is tragically comical” like a normal person. And finally, after perhaps a few beers and some pent up frustration at being only sometimes employed, he decides to do something good and make a name for himself.

He is a dolt and a rube.

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