It’s refreshing to see how contemplation of the sacred clears the mind.
Their love of guns far surpasses their hatred of the other.
Agreed. When the Supreme Court justices mull over the constitutionality of same-sex marriage bans for places such as Nebraska, they will most certainly question how the state can justify this new law that uses the federal government’s definition of marriage when the rest of the state’s laws are just the opposite. Seriously, from a Constitutional point-of-view you cannot have both.
If teh stoopid truly burned, smoke would be pouring from Nebraska’s capitol right now.
I kinda like how Ernie Chambers handled this, voting yes for the amendment to show support for gay marriage, but against the bill to show support for tighter gun control.
I’ve always loved Chambers.
Semantically fucking with people’s lives isn’t a kinder, gentler style of denying all persons equal rights. It’s just the last foot, dangling over the last step before the equal rights denying goons hit bottom.
Throwing guns in on the discussion is truly the nature of the problem. Gun idiots before easily understood, garden variety equal rights in the world today. Dumb has come a long ways Baby!
It helps but unequal rights would include giving a variety of, but not equal, rights to same sex couples. So, an argument can be made by the anti-same sex marriage brigade that they didn’t really give away the store.