Discussion: Guest: You're Saying George Zimmerman Was Right? Hannity: 'Absolutely'

Hannity is a well known race hustler.

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Hannity speaks for the millions of nihilistic fascists in this country who hide their racist, nationalist authoritarian proclivities behind tri-corner hats and Gadsen flags. They’re all about the liberty and fear of tyranny and overreaching government and the need for a gigantic home arsenal to protect themselves from the gubbamint, right up until the moment they see a black face in their neighborhood. At which point, the 18th century colonial cosplay is cast aside and the the jackboots and truncheons and torches come out of the closet.

When I find myself writing things like this, the kind of stuff that used to be the provence of bombastic drama queen leftist radicals, and realize I’m still an ideologically center-left moderate who believes he’s speaking literally, and then consider how little of our nation’s degenerate press sees anything very unusual going on, it’s hard not to feel complete despair.


How can Hannity know Zimmerman was right? No one knows what happened that night. We only know what Zimmerman said and that an all white jury let him off for reasons that were as sickening as the killing.

So what do we know?

Martin was committing no crime or doing anything that could be construed as criminal that night.

Martin had a right to be where he was and to be doing what he was doing.

Zimmerman was not a “security guard” or a “voluntary security guard”.

He was acting on his own against the wishes of the neighborhood we was "patrolling.

The two came into contact because of Zimmerman’s actions. Zimmerman confronted Martin although he had no authority to do so. Nor did he have a reason. And he had been told by a Cop not to. ( I’ll bet Hannity has a different take on Blacks that don’t obey Cops )

Zimmerman was armed and Martin was not.

As a result of that confrontation a scuffle broke out and Zimmerman shot his was out of it.

That’s all the clean information we or that jury had. The rest comes from Zimmerman and was reported to the Jury second hand as Zimmerman did not testify to avoid cross examination.

Folks like Hannity and the rest on FOX defended Zimmerman as “standing his ground” against the 17 year old Martin. No one ever speculated that perhaps Martin was standing his ground since he was accosted by a stranger on a dark street.

Could it have been like this:

…" hey what are you doing here"…
…" who are you"…
…" I am the security guard"…
…" you don’t look like a security guard let me see some ID"…

( Zimmerman was not a security guard so he had no ID or any credential to do what he was doing. Martin had every reason to doubt him )

At that point some blather between the two about the ID thing and then Martin tells Zimmerman to fuck off. He starts to walk away. Zimmerman grabs or pushes him and Martin clocks him. Zimmerman shoots Martin dead.

There is NO reason to doubt that scenario ( or something like it ) and Zimmerman sure as hell would not admit it if it was. It’s the only scenario that jibes with the facts 100 %. I live in Jacksonville where the DA prosecuting that crime sits. She did not mention a scenario like I described nor did the media. The only “version” of that night mentioned was Zimmerman’s and that of guys like Hannity.

The Jury rests on ‘reasonable doubt’ in defense of their verdict. I think we all know what really went down in the deliberation room. The prosecutor never considered the much more prosecutable crime of use of a firearm in the commission of a crime ( Zimmerman assaulted Martin when he stopped him ) or other crime that would have locked Zimmerman up for at least some time and took his guns away for life. Zimmerman will kill again. We all know that. Let’s see what Hannity has to say then.


Another example of Mr. Potato Head turning out alright:

Besides being an ivory tower white supremacist bigot, Obscenity Hannity’s Freedom Alliance ‘charity’ was outed as a scam, sponging off millions of dollars intended for the families of fallen soldiers.

According to conservative blogger Debbie Schlussel, less than 4 to 7 percent of the money donated to Hannity’s Freedom Alliance “charity” in the past two years actually went to the causes for which donations were solicited.

Based on its 2006 tax returns, Freedom Alliance reported revenue of $10,822,785, but only $397,900 (a measly 3.68%) of that was given to the children of fallen troops as scholarships or as aid to severely injured soldiers.


Pretty crazy. Not really, he is a nut.

Amazing that anyone can hear Sean at all what with his head being so far up his ass.

It should come as a surprise to no one that Sean Hannity is a racist.


"Your credibility has gone out the window like baby in the bathwater," Guster added.

Credibility? Sean Hannity? That train left the station long ago. Heck, that train was never at the station to begin.

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I stole the image. :wink:

Cockeyed Hannity,
spewing inanity,
discounting humanity,
with hateful insanity.
O’ where is justice’ rapidity?
To smite his cancerous vapidity.

What credibility? News to me.

“Your credibility has gone out the window like baby in the bathwater,” Guster added."

Credibility? What credibility?

Funny thing is this guy with his bloviating fight against health care for millions threatens the lives of so many people. So according to his logic people would be right to stop him somehow. No way these guys walk alone or the daily news would be, another RWNJ TV personality had his ass kicked again on a NY street.

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Actually Hannity’s credibility went out the window with his macho boast (still unfulfilled) to undergo water boarding to prove that it’s totally harmless … but then again there are those who could argue with equal efficacy that he never had any credibility anywhere, anytime.

That’s pretty much how I imagine the exchange between Martin and Zimmerman, only my guess is that Zimmerman was the one asking Martin for ID and Martin refused, tried to leave, Zimmerman grabbed him, and a fight ensued. Trayvon gets the best of Zimmerman and Zimmerman shoots him.

After a half dozen run ins with the law involving some sort of violence, I don’t understand why or how anyone who isn’t clownishly racist can continue to believe Trayvon was the aggressor. He was a scared kid preyed upon by a wannabe cop with a penchant for pulling his gun on people including a senior citizen and multiple women. When he murders again, and he will, I hope it’s one of his supporters and not some other innocent person.


I often think Hannity has his own show because he can’t hang intellectually with the Fox & Friends gasbags.

Well here’s a thought. Someone accost Hannity in the middle of the night when he is doing nothing wrong. And make sure whoever does that has no legal authority or position to do it. When he objects start a fight with him. Then if he fights back shoot him. See if he thinks that’s “absolutely right”.

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He is calling YOU (e.g. Democratic constituencies) every name under the sun.


Watch the NFL on FOX, as Curt and Michael smile goodnaturedly.

And collect copious salaries.

Only a few months left until the Season Starts.

Can’t Wait

“Your credibility has gone out the window like baby in the bathwater,” Guster added.

That is very unfair! Hannity had no credibility to lose in the first place.

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