Discussion: Guess Who Thinks Trump’s Carrier Deal Was Really Just ‘Crony Capitalism'

There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.

-L. Cohen


[quote=“doggyman, post:16, topic:47989, full:true”]
“Meanwhile, the invisible hand that best orchestrates a free people’s free enterprise system gets amputated.”

Even when she makes sense, she doesn’t make sense.
[/quote]If the hand leading the orchestra is invisible, then the music will be pretty messed up (like Republican economic policy). And if the invisible hand is amputated, how will anyone know since you couldn’t see it anyway?


I call bull shit. I want to see the video of the fight between Coulter and Palin to see who gets to blow Trump and who gets stuck blowing Ryan,


Sarah is a genuine populist hero.

You’re using “populist” the way the NYTimes uses it. In place of the more correct “white nationalist”.

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I take it she found out she’s not getting the Secretary position, didn’t pass the typing test…


And not even a speaking slot at the GOP convention.
I wonder if one of Trumps kids doesn’t care for her.


Anyone else think that the reported $700,000 per year is way off? The CEO’s assistant wouldn’t even write down a phone message for an offer like that.

If that is the right number, it is a pretty clear signal that it wasn’t state incentives or the economics of this deal alone that convinced Carrier. I know, that was already obvious, but I think you draw more attention when you use such a tiny handkerchief to try to cover up your nakedness.


Palin: who is paying for her mouthpiece? Are there competing Republican factions (somebody was angered when Trump showcased Carrier?) that Democrats can harness to work against each other?

Definitely missing the mangle


The Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Part ( ? ). No way in hell did Palin birth such thoughts or policy analysis!


Not me. This administration will be under the influence of the privateers no matter who gets the top slot at VA. Here in Alaska the last attempt at privatization called Veterans Choice just totally screwed up and further confused the system for the sake of getting John McCains hand picked Az corporation to administer it. Everything from SS to Medicare to the VA to the Dept of Trans and Education is in danger from those dead set on privatizing everything they can. Privatize the profits and socialize the costs will be the very mantra of trump.


‘Crony Capitalism’

Trump: You bet. She is way too dumb even for my cabinet.

I know a stopped clock is correct twice a day, but they don’t usually write lucid sentences. Color me impressed!


I am not sure which statement is right (it is possible that both are):

  1. Palin is not competent enough to serve even in Trump’s cabinet. (Based on not getting any position.)
  2. Even Palin recognizes crony capitalism better than president-elect. (Based on the oped she signed).
    It’s a true paradox of Trump era in American politics.

“inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent”
She spelled “president” wrong.


Logic has never been her strong suit, so this metaphor is consistent with her disorganized and disjointed patterns of expressing her thoughts.

I don’t know. Something familiar about this : - )

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January 21st? It’s not even December 21st yet!

“burdensome federal government imposition is never the solution."

Am I misunderstanding this Carrier deal? Isn’t this strictly a state-level arrangement? It’s the Indiana taxpayers on the hook for $7 million over 10 years, as arranged by Indiana Governor Mike Pence.

Where is the “federal government imposition”?

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