She couldn’t possibly have taped him, right?
At least two lawyers are getting beach houses out of this one.
We’ll see how far this goes. If she drops the case after a “confidential settlement” is reached, we may never know. I hope she and the others take it all the way. Love to see them go down in flames.
we challenge him to deny, under oath, that he made the statements attributed to him in the Complaint
Pretty sophomoric lawyer trick, but you never know if FOX will swing at the softball being lofted. Emails, taping, a few well-placed coworkers, who knows… just waiting for that denial so they can start the beat-down.
It will go to the settlement level.
Right now James Murdoch is trying to figure out who gave the baseball game/sex statement to Fields
If that statement is true, only the amount of zeroes will be in play.
Actually, it’s a signal that they have a recording or a powerful witness and therefore ought to settle.
This is very much how the Falafal litigation unwound. There were long quotes in that complaint that clearly signaled “I’ve got you on tape, swine.” Then O’Reilly and the Foxnards came back all chest thumpy and belligerent and insulting, but within a couple of weeks, the case went away.
Could be a bluff in this case. I have no idea whether whatever state this is in has a one party or two party consent law for recording conversations. Better be one party if they really have recordings, however.
Now where could Gretchen have hidden her cellphone?
Yeah…“settle out of court” is written all over this one. Everybody’s got Ailes’ number, she doesn’t have to follow through to the end. $ + run.
He better hope there isn’t.a tape
Gretchen may have been a Foxbot, but as a woman in that environment, she isn’t stupid.
Edit: Stanford, right?
N Oxford
A degree in sociology
RIght. She’s not an idiot; she just played one on TV.
The popcorn industry wants a long drawn out trial. They don’t want an out of court settlement.
“Regarding Ailes’ claims that Gretchen’s allegations are false, we challenge him to deny, under oath, that he made the statements attributed to him in the Complaint,” Carlson’s lawyers wrote, adding “you sweaty fat fuck.”
As much as I relate to women in Carlson’s position, after mulling this situation overnight, I can’t help feeling like Gretchen sold herself out long ago. Not that that in any way justifies Ailes’ pattern of pig-like behavior.
Gretchen is a smart woman - Stanford / Oxford / degree in Sociology - and yet she either allowed herself or actively wanted to be a key participant in Ailes’ Goebels-like propaganda machine. Carlson knew she was spreading lies, she knew the sociological impact of what she, her coworkers, her network, her parent company were doing here and worldwide and yet she didn’t say or do anything about it until her contract wasn’t renewed.
i hope she takes Ailes for as much as she and her lawyers can get. I hope she gets him fired. But I really have no sympathy for someone, woman or man, who was happy to be the smiling blond face of an evil propaganda empire until they stopped paying her…
My feelings exactly. Ailes will be forced into retirement and nobody will hire Gretchen (litigious wingnut) so win-win.