Discussion: Grassley: Dems Protesting SCOTUS Nom Blockade To Score 'Political Points'

The putz has chutzpah. But Grassley had better be careful. There are 24 R sets up for reelection in November, and just ten for Ds. Ds only have to pick up a few to once again have Democratic majority (currently 54R, 45D and one independent), and Grassley will have serious butt hurt at that time. He and Joni will commiserate on the unfairness of it all.


Isn’t it just precious how concerned for their sake, whoever President Obama nominates like the Constitution mandates, because of the partisan savagery and lies that Grassley will be forced to make for partisan and political loyalty to party over country? Particularly if that nominee is someone he himself knows is 100% qualified for the bench and he voted so previously for said nominee who is from his state?


He is up for re-election this cycle.

And has challenger who will stand up for and follow the Constitution. Patty Judge.

If the GOP side of the Senate were leading the electorate by example …

many would just stay home and not vote at all —

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Go Patty Go, please take out this 200-year-old monitor lizard from the Senate

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Grassley? I knew that, in fact there was a discussion, maybe you were in on it, on speculation that since his term is winding down he shouldn’t be allowed to make far reaching decisions which seems to be his theory of legislating and governing. The warm seat he occupies and has for six terms may be in danger from this woman.



If that woman didn’t want to get beaten then she shouldn’t have got in front of her abuser’s fist.

Grassley Logic.

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Yep, I was in it but using your post to underscore that Grassley is up for re-eelction and is running scared (as he should be) and that we have a chance yo remove this anti-Constitutional do nothing hack.

It’s time for us progressives to put our money where our mouths are and remove Grassley form office.

Elect Patty Judge to the Senate!


‘We’re so sorry, Uncle Chuckie’ , says no one.

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Honest to Christ…the cluelessness of the GOP these days is amazing…first off, when Biden made his ‘speech’ there was no nominee to CONSIDER, secondly he was talking about 2-3 months off…not a YEAR. When you use the same old same old ‘political points’ argument Grassley ONE MORE TIME you are just screaming ‘I’m a victim. I’m a victim!’


Getting his little apple cart before the horse ain’t he?
One needs a venue to play much less score…

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I hope Judge if she’s the candidate or which ever Democrat it is will use this

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) acknowledged that he "lived off the public tit" as a congressman.

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Yes, the Democrats are trying to score political points… You all are politicians, scoring political points is what you do…

You’re whining about the fact that they’re doing a better job of it than you are, and your own party committed to a position that gives the Democrats a free layup for the next 8 months. You’re whining that you’re losing.

“Grassley also railed against the idea that White House would nominate an Iowan judge that Grassley previously praised to put pressure on him to hold nomination hearings”

Yes, that’s a good tactic. Stop getting salty, and do your job, or sit back and give the American electorate another reason to hold the republican ticket in contempt this year. As a Democrat, the idea of a Trump at the top of the ticket and laundry list of Senators below actively refusing to do their job for a year makes me giggle…


More importantly, Biden was imploring that if there was an opening during that time frame, that the President would work with the Senate to nominate someone they could support. And even if he didn’t he said they would still do their duty and consider and vote on said hypothetical nominee even if the POTUS didn’t work with he Senate on choosing an acceptable nominee.

Biden’s speech is the exact opposite of what Grassley and the GOP are quote mining from and misrepresenting it as.

Like I said, positively Orwellian. Biden’s speech is the exact opposite of what they are peddling it as.


Who gives a shit what Joe Biden said in 1992? The U.S. Constitution is very clear about the respective duties of the President and the Senate when it comes to Supreme Court vacancies. Unless Senator Grassley thinks Joe Biden’s opinion is more important than the Constitution, he (Grassley) should shut up.

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We’re beyond trying, Senators. Question now is how many seats you want to give up in November?


These people incessantly say and do incredibly incendiary and stupid things and then point to their colleagues as the villains in every ridiculous dust up.This issue is cut and dry…in another era the President would nominate a qualified candidate and the process would proceed. In these times of eternal political acrimony, dopes like Grassley will get their ass in a sling as the result of their OWN ill advised actions and rely on the indolence of the low information American electorate to make things right for them

In his opening statement for a meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Committee Chair [Charles Grassley] accused Democrats of trying "to score as many political points as possible" by demanding President Obama's Supreme Court nominee be considered by the Senate.

Committee Chair [Charles Grassley] accused Democrats of trying “to score as many political points as possible” by demanding President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee be considered by the Senate that the Senate fulfill its constitutional role.


NO, that would be you and your bagger party!

But, your plan is failing, so it’s all the dems fault.

Dems, kick these ass-hats daily and in the November elections.

“Even the press knows it,”

You mean your gop/bag handmaidens?