Discussion: Grassley: Clovis' Testimony Could Be Delayed After Papadopoulos Emails

Yep. Lawrence O’Donnell suggested the first question by the ranking member of the committee would be whether Clovis has received immunity from the Special Counsel, although he also predicted that the confirmation hearing would never occurred and that the nomination will be pulled.


If Grassley thinks he can out-maneuver Mueller, he’s going to get spanked like a bitch. He probably knows that though and this is more about delay and obfuscation…not to mention cowardice. I mean…just look at this man’s cowardice…this shit is hilarious:

Watch Grassley. Watch him. Daily Show covered this last night tooand it brought tears to my eyes watching what a simpering coward Grassley is once the first question about the Manafort indictment flies. Cornyn goes nutty and starts deflecting angrily, but Grassley…he looks like he’s trying to escape a terrorist attack. Eventually, you can LITERALLY see him hiding and retreating behind the American flags that line the background. It’s absurd, but hilarious.


You know when Chuck Grassley doesn’t want to cover for you that you’re in trouble. The Senate had been prepared to move forward with Clovis’ nomination even after the indictment of Manafort and guilty plea of Papadopoulos were made public. What changed? The news Clovis had appeared before the grand jury and was separately interviewed by the office of special counsel’s attorneys. Grassley seems to have understood that Mueller doesn’t think Clovis is a bystander or passive witness. Clovis is actually a very key witness and participant in the development of contacts and connections between the Trump campaign and Russia. Today’s CNN article makes it clear that Papado did inform everyone on that FP committee, including Sessions and Trump about the real opportunity to set up a meeting with Putin. They all lied about it. Mueller got Clovis in front of the GJ before Clovis knew that Papado had already talked to him.

I would also note that Trump’s rant against Jared Kushner in today’s Vanity Fair piece tells me that Trump is effectively letting Mueller know that it’s ok if Kushner goes down. That piece has quotes attributed to Stone and Bannon, both critics of Kushner. I think Trump placed that article out there for a reason. It reminds me a lot of Sopranos Season 1 where Livia Soprano (Tony’s mom) gives a little shrug to Uncle Junior when he asks about her commitment to Tony in their feud, which Junior took to mean a green light to launch a hit on Tony.


Yep. He’s signaling to anybody listening.


““There’s an entirely different context than what was reported about Clovis and his relationship to this George P.,” Grassley said, according to the report.”

Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “We need more time to come up with an alternative narrative and train Clovis to stick to it as part of our efforts to avoid any legislative checks and balances on any POTUS from our party.”

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His loyalty doesn’t extend past the end of his nose.

Jared had better start looking for an appointment with Mueller’s team, so he can tell all he knows—which is plenty—before Trump pushes him under the bus.


I really don’t think Jared has a choice. That Manafort indictment is air tight. There are so many easy charges to prove because of Manafort’s willful failure to comply with bank reporting and foreign registration guidelines, that Kushner is sure to get screwed his SF-86 and other reporting failures.


O’Donnell knows about these things because he was an aide to a senator from NY for many years. He’s smarter than any pol who up until the moment the shit hits the fan proceeds normally and says in effect, we’re cool. If PP doesn’t pull this nom, as O’Donnell said, Fatboy will be taken apart by the committee’s Dems. So, proceed, fucking moron.



trumppet apopletic. Who would have imagined after so much winning and greatness was promised. He deserves as much grief as anyone can deliver because it’s all I’ve felt since November 9, and I’m not alone.


After Monday’s indictments, the president blamed Jared Kushner in a call to Steve Bannon, while others are urging him to take off the gloves with Robert Mueller.


It’s a great piece of investigating reporting made easier by today’s technology, email, social media etc and by the hubris of the thieves and traitors in the admin. I’m thinking some oligarchs in Russia are getting pretty pissed with all these revelations because they thought they’d enjoy an opaque, untraceable relationship with some very stupid and amateurish trumpites. Wrong.


“Could be?” Try SHOULD BE! So, should everybody else Trump nominates until the Russia investigation is concluded and we know who was involved and who wasn’t so we don’t just keep installing people potentially compromised by Putin’s Russia in our national government!

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There’s a bright golden haze on the meadow, there’s a bright golden haze on the meadow.
The corn is as high as Sam Clovis’s eye and that qualifies him to be Secretary of Agriculture…

Boss Hogg Clovis will bring all 14 chins to Iowa. He will certainly encourage planting more crops. Eating is a close as he comes to Agriculture.


Even without the collusion issue how can Grassley, who sells himself as a leader in ag issues, support this joke of a guy for the science guy in the ag department?

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