Discussion: Graham To GOP: Don't 'Add Gasoline To The Fire' With DHS Shutdown

Discussion for article #233532

Because the issue is not whether Homeland Security – which is basically every non-military federal office that protects us – has funding and can protect the homeland, but whether the GOP gets the blame.

The difference between the right and left, written starkly in the headlines.


Let’s put it this way

If Jeb Bush manages to (a) convince the American public that the mess created by the War in Iraq (started by his brother) is the fault of Barack Obama and (b) get them to install him as President in 2016 (complete with a motley crew of G.W. retreads), then maybe the GOP can avoid getting blamed for ANYTHING.


Just goes to show that all their talk about “protecting the homeland” is just kabuki theater.


how many Federal Judges have found that the immigration provisions are constitutional?


Its always all about political calculation for Republicans. Altruism (the concern for the well-being of others) in the form of providing real National Security, as is their elected duty, never really enters much into their way of thinking. Its not an essential part of their calculus
I should say, unless they can make a buck off it somehow.


Well, the GOP is more worried about staying in power than making sure that the country is running. If they actually cared about the country functioning they would have 1) avoided hate mongering and fear mongering for the last thirty years 2) told Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch to shove it 3) informed the Koch Brothers where to shove it 4) actually worked to fix the problems in the government, and finally 5) stopped being such mean spirited idiots.

There’s probably a few more, but those are the ones I can think of.


Can anyone recall a law, or congressional action, introduced by the republicans in the last two decades that was strictly for the benefit of the people?


So Huckleberry is the voice of ‘reason’ in the GOP?

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Here is one more: (6) limited criticism of the current President to actual, honest, and articulated policy disagreements.


Although I had to think about it I must honestly credit them for Medicare part D.

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That’s a big “yessir” on that.

With a big shout-out to the enabling MSM. A worthless lot. I was born and raised in the world of the Cold War. I understood the Russians and their system, having grown up 150 kilometres from their satellite, East Germany. Info was limited to the public. Protest censorship and you’re off to “you know where”.

The U.S, has a different kind of “censorship”. The MSM simply enables seditionists, by under-reporting, “false equivalency” of “both-parties-are-the-same”, daring the general public to get sick of the whole thing. And I am afraid the cupcake/“Good Morning America” kind of “news” will become increasingly the norm and the Rethug shenanigans more entrenched.


The opinion is the most unjudicial blatantly partisan primal scream I have ever seen from a federal judge. Dude went out of his way to resolve an issue not before him and applied what we in the law biz drolly call “novel” legal theories, along with a fair amount of Fox news pseudo fact (“sanctuary cities?” Really?)

But if talking like he thinks that embarrassment of an opinion is worth the electrons it takes to project it onto a screen is the only way President McGraham can talk his colleagues down off the ledge, I say have at it.


“And that’s a direct result of a failed foreign policy by President Obama.”

I think Lindsey really believes that crap. Most of us realize that GWB cast the die causing Iraq to go to hell in a hand basket and moving it into Iran’s sphere of influence while crushing the Suni’s along the way.


Let’s put it this way

If (a) is possible, and (b) becomes reality

then © - there ain’t gonna be no 2020 elections

“And the worst thing to do is add gasoline to the fire

he says, adding gasoline to the fire


Of course he really believes that crap! They ALL really believe that crap!!!

I have never met a Repug or a Conservative who has show the capability of one ounce of self-awareness or introspection. That genetic flaw exists in ALL of them

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Jon Stewart (who else?) describing The Blair Witch Project Senator Graham lives in, fearful of everything and has been for years. Very funny.


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Be prepared for Jebbie the candidate to talk about Obama’s failed foreign policy while not touching on his dumber brother’s Iraq policy. He’ll do this at the urging of Paul Wolfowitz, who is to be an advisor.

