Discussion: Graham Says Senate Blockade Of SCOTUS Nom Is 'Setting A Precedent'

Discussion for article #247193

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Itā€™s setting a very very bad precedent. One that could be repeated ad nauseam in other situations by both parties I think. I think the GOP should vote up or down on the nominee. Itā€™s their goddam job.


Repeat after me: President Obama is not a lame duck president, because no one has won an election to replace him yet.

Then again, the GOP has done everything in their power to treat him as a lame duck since about a minute after he was first inaugurated.


ā€œIf we lose the election, Hillary Clintonā€™s going to pick somebody who I wouldnā€™t pick. Iā€™m telling every conservative now: donā€™t expect to lose the election and still get your way.ā€

Lindsey Graham


So good to know that a former JAG dismisses the US Constitution so easily. Party before country!


Sen. Graham: ā€œBlockade Of SCOTUS Nom Is Setting A Precedent.ā€

I thought the Constitutionā€™s original Three-Fifths of a Person clause was the precedent.

Republicans have been using that precedent since January 2009.


Mrs darr is thinking Obama is sticking around DC not just so his daughter can finish schoolā€¦she is saying HRC is gonna nominate him for the courtā€¦ I donā€™t think he could survive a vote but it would be a grand bit of trolling.


Lindseyā€™s coasting on all his recent TV time and feeling like heā€™s the Senateā€™s Gore Vidal or something instead of the clown he isā€¦



thereā€™s an outside chance that he would be considered, but all of the ā€˜head explosionsā€™ and built up grudgesā€¦ait nobody got time for that.


Lindsey, think hard, right now you and your cranky little small minded colleagues are messing with a pretty patient adult who tends to focus on the long term big picture & tries not to get into slap fights with youā€¦ If Clinton wins & picks up control of the Senate be prepared for a nasty scorched earth treatment - making Shermanā€™s March seem like a happy parade.


Well, bless your heart, Lindsey. At least one of the Judiciary can read the writinā€™ on the wall.
But, please let your ā€˜rightā€™ minded ( I use the term loosely) proceed down the path of destruction.



Mrs darrā€™s more into conspiracies than I am. I must say she is much better at figuring motives than I am. We both are very strongly opposed to the senateā€™s antics on this.

In his remarks Thursday, [Sen. Lindsey] Graham promised that if a vacancy opened up under a Republican president in the last year of his or her term, he would also refuse to consider a nominee. He also said he would vote to confirm the nominee offered by the next president if that president was a Democrat, as long as nominee was qualified -- and even if the nominee was a liberal judge.

Hey, this person sounds reasonable. Who are you and what have you done with the real Lindsey Graham?


ā€œThat in the last year of a lame-duck eight-year term that you cannot fill a vacancy in the Supreme Court,ā€

By the dictates of the Constitution, a President can only serve two terms (eight years). Whatā€™s with the ā€œlame duckā€ nonsense?
Lindsey canā€™t stop himself from pandering.


Folks we are living in a historical political climate that may never be repeated.I think we are at a break point and it will be very interesting to see how it all ends.


If HRC wins & the Senate flips - & she did decide do it - and any obstruction would then become the justification for bulldozing it through & breaking some arms in the process - long term ramification be damned


So, the next time it will be the lame duck year of a four year term [Hillary I assume]. Then after that, whenever the hell we feel like it. Arenā€™t these the guys that always talk about slippery slopes? You might say this is a slippery cliff.


Our entire political process has gone well beyond even the absurdity of the election (are you listening Donald?) and drifted off the rails into a sort of bizzaro irrational blatherfest full tub of crazy that is so far from rational as to cause me any many other to question if we are now in a parallel universe. Trump has dragged us thru a worm hole to an anti-rational space.

As Cartman (South Park) says so succinctly ā€œScrew you guys Iā€™m going home.ā€


Graham is lying, and he knows it. If heā€™s still in office the next time thereā€™s a republican president heā€™ll rubberstamp anything till January 19. And if thereā€™s a vacancy next year with a democratic president, heā€™ll explain why heā€™s opposed.


That is such b.s.! The part about not holding nomination hearings if a Pubbie is president! Noted was how their story has now changed.

So, they want to set a precedent? Iā€™ve got just the ticket.

In the first week of the new year as the Senate convenes by law, ram through all 21-22 appellate court judge nominees now held hostage. Do it Mr. Reid by voice vote only! In this same week, President-elect Clinton gives her nomineeā€™s name and her rationale to Reid. Reid waltzes the nominee to all of the new Judiciary Committee Democratic members only. The day after Hillary is sworn in, Reid takes a voice-only vote on the Senate floor and the nominee is confirmed.

These actions set a bunch of new precedents and pave the way for future SC appointments w/o all the Republican b.s. attached. Denying them as the minority any role in the vetting process, speeding up the background review period and taking a voice voteā€¦all are unheard of and will teach those Republicans a lesson they will never forget and rue the day they stalled Obama"s pick. Major Schadefreude. I say!