Discussion: Graham Responds To Sanders: 'In America' Debating Generals Appropriate

Ok so this whole thing with DonnieTwo Scoops being bad at comforting doesn’t explain Tiffany Trump’s speech and the RNC Convention.
Here is the excerpt that’s relevant -

I believe the measure of a person is revealed in their darkest times. For me, the measure of a parent is based on how they support and bolster you when you’re down. A few years ago, someone very dear to me passed away, and the first call I got, as I knew I would, came from my father.
Without his unwavering support and care for me during such a challenging time, I don’t know how I would have made it through. As far too many know, it is the small, loving acts that help an enormous amount in times of grief.

Here is the full transcript. http://time.com/4414193/republican-convention-tiffany-trump-speech-transcript-video/

So Donnie can only comfort girls named Tiffany?

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Unless … maybe busy ? ? …


The speech is one thing, the reality is another.

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How dare she, the traitorous little libtard bitch? Lead is the best! Plants love it!

Here’s a thought I had after watching Rep. Wilson’s speech at the dedication of the Miami FBI building in its entirety:

Why would a Pentagon-based 4-star Marine General attend a building dedication for a civilian agency in Miami? Was Kelly even there? He wasn’t seated on the dais nor could I spot him in the crowd pans. Moreover, he has no ties to Miami that I know of; he’s from Boston.

I sent a tweet to the Sun-Sentinel asking. Will report back if I hear anything.


Mr Graham , I am stunned that you criticise a four star General . /s

Some people in our government should take note. It appears that a female, a person of color and apparently of immigrant background is very important to our society.

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Oh, for God’s sake, Lindsey, pick a side and stay there.

I think he gets it perfectly well, but he belongs to the I got mine and fuck you school of disaster recovery.


And his dream of being secretary of state when Tillerson finally lurches out the door.


Therefore, we are Russians now.

I had a related thought, which was that this brilliant kid whose forebears probably didn’t come over on the Mayflower is doing more for the country than any idiot marching around with a tiki torch talking about what the white race has done because it’s the only source of pride his addled brain can come up with.



Lindsey Graham is a cynical GOP Dixiecrat who likes to occasionally pretend he has some residual decency.

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And Bannon seems to be determined to put a nail in the coffin.
It looks like we are going to end up with Batshit crazy 30% …and the rest of the world

What happened in Niger.

Laura Sessions isn’t a journalist and doesn’t have any connections to the military intelligence community, and since she doesn’t provide any corroborating evidence I’m not going to take what she says at face value any more than I do the breathless stuff that Mensch and Taylor and Garland are always tweeting. Don’t get me wrong—it wouldn’t surprise me at all if it’s every bit as nefarious as what she describes, but my cynical view of Trump and his minions isn’t evidence of any particular acts in this case.

Obviously something went very wrongbut but that’s all the American public truly knows right now.

Regardless, Congress ain’t gonna do jack shit to investigate this unless the Democrats make a big stinking fuss over it, the way Republicans always do. And a big stinking fuss isn’t issuing one mildly-worded press release and then retreating back under the desk.

John McCain was making noise about it. I’m waiting to see if he keeps that up.

I was going to vote for Hillary - but then candidate trump, during a presidential type speech, implied that she used the bathroom - well, that was it for me, no way…


read “Back Home” by Bill Maulden

Ah shit. 'Scuse me. Somethin in my eye here.


“They” are saying Africa is the next continent we’re going to be embroiled in. And these are big countries. Niger and Chad are about as big as France.

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