“I can’t imagine a scenario where it’s OK for the FBI director to jump in the middle of an election based on a fake email generated by the Russians ***and not tell the Congress,***” Graham said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
So it’s OK to … oh never mind.
Graham said that Comey “needs to be held accountable.”
It’s a little late to fire him so let’s look at the fruit of the poison tree aspects of his behavior and immediately unwind the effects of Comey “jump[ing] in the middle of an election based on a fake email.”
I tend to agree. Stunning.
Comey needs to be held accountable so the country will forget all the actions of the GOP in the last 40 years that have eluded accountability.
GOP before USA.
A new Easter bonnet is “stunning.” A pair of Weitzman peau de soie pumps are “stunning.”
Think the word you might be looking for is “shocking.”
Today I bring you a heaping steaming stinking shitbag of lies. Graham I ask you what are you going to do about your government stealing an election? What are you going to do about these acts of treason? If you know of treason you are obliged to turn in the Treasonous, You as an member of the Armed forces are obliged to right this wrong or you become on the the treasonous swine you talk about.
Obviously Graham wants to plan a new narrative, which puts the majority of blame for any improper influence in the 2016 election on Comey.
Only apparent agreement. Graham is only saying this to seek to discredit Comey when (or if) he publicly testifies about Trump. It has nothing to do with an actual concern for the truth on his part.
Graham said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
In addition to his work in the senate he appears as a Sabbath gasbag on CNN. A little smelly but otherwise harmless.
It’s been overused.
Besides, Graham stuns easily.
The operating theory that explains everything from Comey’s decisions to unbalanced media coverage (particularly NYT) was that Clinton was sure to win so no harm in taking her down a notch. Don’t forget vested interest news corporations have in a close election.
“I can’t imagine a scenario where it’s OK for the FBI director to jump
in the middle of an election based on a fake email generated by the
Russians and not tell the Congress,” Graham said Sunday on CNN’s “State
of the Union.”
Earth to Lindsey: Maybe Comey recalled that GOP politicians are prone to politicizing false realities.
More “stunning” is that Graham and his partners in treason is not acting on Russian intel confirmed by 17 U.S. intelligence agencies.
Fuck you Lindsey and fuck you traitorous GOP. Until I see articles of impeachment from you motherfuckers, l don’t give a shit how “stunned”, “shocked”, “disturbed”, “concerned” or “surprised” you jackholes are. Un-American traitors on this Memorial Day, all of you.
No way to defend Comey on this but, maybe he saw the tremendous “integrity” Congress had on Benghazi and realized his actions were going to be twisted by Republicans for political gain no matter what he did.
And now Lindsay is horrified, horrified by this? Spare me.
Never forget that Comey is a Republican. And maybe a paid Russian agent.
He acted like both during the last election.
My thought as well. Plus, he wants to build the case that Comey is not credible so now we don’t have to believe anything else he says, or has written.
Trump must have the goods on Aunt Pittypat, since he’s working to discredit Comey.
I don’t understand Comey at all. Is he bipolar? is he compromised? Are there right wing people in the FBI who have the goods on him?