Discussion: Graham-Cassidy Strips Away The Few Concessions GOP Moderates Already Won


You have 90 seconds to reorder 1/6th of the economy and affect the healthcare of millions… Go!

This bill stinks.


Making it more draconian than the last–I’m not sure about this strategy . . .


Rand Paul (on NPR, last night) pointed out that this bill was designed to take away money from blue states and give it to red ones. Obamacare, for all its flaws, tried to help the red states, even if their governors largely, for political reasons, decided to screw their own people by refusing medicare expansion. This bill targets most of the pain on the poor of blue states.
I guess while it´s always fun for Rs to screw poor people, there´s less incentive to be quite so brutal in their own back yard.


This bill isn’t about healthcare. It is about finding money to line the pockets of the Washington donor class. That is why it has a chance.


And now that this bill has taken away all the protections, all the medical coverage that we said absolutely must be included in a so-called repeal and replace bill, we will vote “yes” because we are running out of time to repeal the demon Obamacare with only 51 votes. We may not have another opportunity to hurt and kill so many people and ruin so many lives and, at the same time, please our top 1% masters by giving them tax cuts, and thus get some of their precious money flowing back into the Republican campaign coffers. All hail power and money. Screw the rest of you because we don’t give a fuck.


And all those people who lose insurance, or who stop buying it because they don’t have to buy it anymore and no government is going to tell them what to do…when these folks need health care, there’s always a go-fund-me account.
That seems to be the go-to for unforseen disasters. I don’t mean to make light of people’s misfortunes, but the GOP is so cavalier about the harm they are visiting on people that I’m unable to process it.


Would these be the same campaign coffers that Trump & Co. are draining for their legal defense? I wonder who at the RNC tells the President if you take all of our money we won’t have anymore for campaigns?
And if we play this scenario out further the donors might just contribute straight to PACs and the candidates will have to dial up their dailing for dollars hours to 60 a week. So state level candidates will be “where’s my help?”


At this point this movie clip keeps running in my head: senators on the fence get visits from some mysterious beefy guys who tell them, “Lovely family you got there. Be a shame if something happened to them.”

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I’m sure Zinke has already been on the phone to McCain telling him that if he doesn’t vote for this the Interior Department is going to fill in the Grand Canyon and then where will Arizona be for tourist attractions. Well, I guess there’s always Bullets and Burgers.


For the Repubs, 2 + 2 = 5 for large values of 2.


“The only version to pass the House, back in May, included an amendment that allocated $8 billion over five years specifically to subsidize care for people with pre-existing conditions. That came after a different amendment gave states $15 billion to set up high-risk pools to cover people with pre-existing conditions. Avalere reported at the time that even with that funding, “many chronically ill individuals could be left without access to insurance” under the plan.”

At the time, the CBO score reflected the drop in coverage.


The donor class has all the money it needs. This is about making sure that those donors—Koch, Adelson, et al-----turn on the money-spigot and keep funding the fundies.

The GOP has been threatened with a freeze on donations if they don’t destroy the ACA and cut taxes for the uber-rich.


SO some gopers are still on the fence about whether they will get on board with committing murder. How thoughtful of them.
What the Fuck is wrong with these “people”?


What is there to say. These folks really do want to destroy the country.


Due to modern day Republicans and Trumpists not catching a clue, they will continue to reluctantly contribute to the RNC.


will there be vaseline or just salt this time ???


Absolutely correct. They honestly don’t care what sort of chaos and destruction will result from this. They’ll always be protected; this country simply doesn’t mean anything to them.


Well here we are again back to square one and from what? We as taxpayers pay their salaries and have little or nothing to show for it. Republicans of low whole numbers will be there demise. And there you have Democrats Platform an agenda for the upcoming elections.

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A political realignment is in order. Any Republican who still chooses people who live there, over nonresident billionaires who wouldn’t be caught dead there, should be honest and switch to Independent.